Homemade Pretend Makeup {Thoughtful Thursday}

Thoughtful Thursdays on as Jules is going

Valentine's Day is coming and I love giving my littles gifts but don't want to spend a lot of money. A small, inexpensive, yet cute gift for little girls this year is homemade pretend makeup. This is also a cute gift for birthdays and there's no threat of messes that parents wouldn't be happy about.

Homemade Pretend MakeupWhat you'll need:

  • used makeup container(s)
  • fingernail polish

How to:

  1. clean out any remnants of the make over {I suggest a dry Q-tip}
  2. fill with your choice of fingernail polish {I chose neutral/actual make-up colors but fun colors would be cool especially for eye-shadows}
  3. let sit flat to dry at least 24 hours to harden completely
  4. add a pretend applicator- the original makeup brush cleaned out, new makeup sponge, or Q-tip
  5. gift it to your little princess and watch the fun begin
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This Year’s Love Note Stations

If we are friends on facebook or you hang out on the as Jules is going page, you may have seen our "love note station" hard at work. Mainly by my 5-year-old who loves crafting along with her new found skills of reading and writing.

Love Note Station

Today I am sharing the basics of how we set up our station. Come check it out on the homemaker's challenge.

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The Ultimate Christmas Season Bucket List

The Ultimate Christmas Season Bucket List!!!

If you've been around here long, you know I love organization, even if that's becoming harder to come by in my home during this season}. I also love Christmas AND a good plan {or general idea of where we're going}. So of course, I would be all about Advent, countdowns, and bucket lists.

Decorate for ChristmasToday, I've tried to combine my love of these in a general list of great ideas our family, among having a baby, is going to try to remember to enjoy this season. If you want to read about it and or print the list, check it out on the Homemaker's Challenge today! ๐Ÿ˜€

Merry Christmas!!!

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How-to “Take Them a Meal”

Do any of you have friends having babies? Coworkers losing loved ones? Family sick or loosing their jobs? Sometimes the holidays can just be hard. We all know providing a necessity, like a yummy meal, during times like these can be the best ways to help and comfort. We also know that lots of well meaning people can be overwhelming and disorganized when trying to all help and comfort the same people.

How-to Use Take Them A Meal

Today, I'm sharing one of my FAVORITE online FREE find on the Homemakers Challenge! Sneak on over and hear how to use "Take Them a Meal", a free online organization tool that's so easy to use for facilitating such a ministry.

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Operation Christmas Child, Duck Dynasty, and a GIVEAWAY!!!

Last week was Operation Christmas Child week here on the blog.

occ-logo-medMonday What is Operation Christmas Child?
Tuesday Operation Christmas Child FAQ Answered
Wednesday How-to Pack a OCC Shoes Box
Thursday How-to Pack a OCC Shoes Box
Friday Operation Christmas Child Packing Party!

Today, the beloved Si wants to share his passion for OCC with you::

For the GIVEAWAY, we will be joining oh Amanda's monthly mission.

ohAmandaHere are the options for GIVEAWAY entries:

  1. Show your kids, friends, and/or family at least one of the awesome videos of Si from above, Veggie Tales, or one about Alex- for the older audience. {comments about who you shared which video with for your 1st entry}
  2. Pack a box with your kids. Take pictures and post them on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, your blog, etc. Use the hashtag #OCC and #asJulesgoes {come back here and comment with a link to what you shared for a 2nd entry}
  3. Pray with your kids, friends, and/or family for the child that will receive your box. Ask God to lead you to the gifts that will minister to that child. Don't forget to DROP IT OFF. {come back here and share about your drop off location for a 3rd entry}
  4. Host a Packing Party {come back here and share stories you partied for a 4th entry}
  5. Come back here by November 27 and report back with how many boxes you collected.ย {come back here and share stories of who you may have encouraged to pack boxes with year for a 5th entry}

Everyone that packs a box and leaves a comment sharing about it will be entered to WIN---->

1 copy of Operation Christmas Child: The Story of Simple Gifts by Franklin Graham!!! To learn more about the book, Amanda shares here.

To order ohAmanda's awesome eBook, use the affiliate link by clicking the image below. LOVE THIS BOOK. We went through it last year as part of our Advent and will likely do it again ๐Ÿ˜€truthinthetinsel-leaderboard

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