Settle, Engage, Believe

I've heard it said many times to try to finding Christ in the secular. That made some sense to me, in the cheesy way that Christians try to copy every trendy thing that comes along and put Christ's name on it. I didn't really understand what this ment until I heart it put, "Affirm truth where ever you find it." Jesus is the truth. So that would mean finding Him in everything would include the secular. Hmmm, finding Truth in the secular? Affirm Jesus where every you find Him? Many times as Christians we avoid anything that doesn't have a hocky Christian cliché or Bible verse on it, deeming it "secular" and there for unholy. We have entire denominations splitting off over silly things like can we enjoy music, dance, wear shorts, listen to women pastors, wear make-up, cut hair, have sex, drink alcohol. LeCrae stated at Catalyst Atlanta 2011, "Everything is ultimately good." In Genesis, when God creation each thing, He said "it is good." We're not just talking about, "Yeah, that dinner was...good." as in okay, sub-par, alright. "The Old Testament equivalent means pleasant, agreeable, excellent, valuable, benevolent, and kind."  The, now, sinful nature of people can pervert something to make it sinful but in it was originally good: pleasant, agreeable, excellent, valuable, benevolent, and kind to GOD.

  • That means music is good.  Just because some choose to create music to celebrate sin doesn't mean music is sinful.
  • Dancing is good. Just because some choose to dance to arouse someone whose not their spouse doesn't mean dance is sinful.
  •  Sex is good! Just because some choose to use sex out of context doesn't mean sex is sinful.
  • Drink alcohol is good. Just because some choose to overindulged in drinking does not mean alcohol is sinful.

 In the same way

  • Stores are not bad. The sin of pornography sold in the store is bad.
  • Clubs are not bad. The sin taking place in a club is bad.
  • Television is not bad. The sin running ramped and being celebrated on it s bad.

So, that sure was a long intro. What does it all mean?

I've talked a little before about why "[we] don't have TV". If you haven't read that post, I'll catch ya up: We don't have cable or satellite or anything but we do watch select movies.

Yesterday, my girls and I were watching "Cheaper by the Dozen II". I love those silly movies. Having a large family is very similar to having a family with kids close in age {even if there are just 3}. I am always encouraged by their laid back attitudes about a slightly mess house, creative kids, and how much they love their kids. At the end of the movie the mom says, "Settle with the Past, Engage the Presents, and Believe in the Future"God used that quote to remind me that I've settled with Him through Jesus for my past. Wallering in the sin of your past is not going to "settle" anything. Accepting Christ payment on the cross for your sin is the only way to pay for that penalty. So many people live in the past, wondering whose fault is it, what if, when can I change, why did I, where and how do I move on from here? Christ!

I need to engage each day in the present. Wishing my babies were still tiny, counting down the hours for my hubby to be home, or wishing this season to be over will only end in regret. I need to learn to embrace each new day as a gift from God. Enjoy my kids, even when they continually wake up at 2:30 and 6:30 A.M. while their daddy's gone. Find His truth in what is seemingly a 'rough season'. I don't want to constantly say, "this too shall pass."

Believe in the big broad future. I want to live as though I can carry out anything, because I can, with Christ! I want to go full force into each day, asking what God has for me and not questioning the future. He will take care of our every need as we need it.

Affirming Truth in the "Secular"

Where have you chosen to affirm truth where ever you find it?

hope that made since...hehehe I felt kinda rambley
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Free Business Cards!

I've got a great Freeby for ya today from Vista Print! 

I have used Vista print for several things. I'm made graduation announcements and I even took them up on the 250 FREE business cards and made Matt some new cards for The Valley.

They always have quality products and great deals running all the time. I had to stay super focused because they had so many other deals going the same time I was trying to make Matt's business cards. I also couldn't completely surprise him like I was hoping to because there were several cool designs I thought he would like.

Matt and I plan to use our business cards to give out our contact information easily to new people we meet. Ideally, we'd be giving these to those we're meeting in Vilonia but we haven't moved there yet. Although, I did get to give one of my business cards to some new friends we made a few weeks ago. I was the 1st time I'd ever given out a business card...felt a lil weird. But, we got in contact super easily! I wish one side of my cards was blank like Matt's so I could write their info on one to keep...hmmm, something to think about in the future!

I did want to warn you that they weren't completely free. You have to pay for shipping. I did the cheapest "standard: 14 days" for only $7.09. That's a pretty good price for 250 business cards. You can get them faster if you need them, like  - $13.68,  or - $22.27.

This can be a great way to get your name out there for your small {yet ever-growing} business! Check it out!

Hope you have fun! Send me pics of your creations!!!

Disclosure for Readers
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Happy Dad’s Day 2012


Happy Father's Day Matthew Ray Rothacher!
We love you oh so much! The kids are right, YOU ROCK!!!!

Love you! xoxo
Why does my Husband Rock? 


Making A Dad's Day Card

Guess who forgot to put the CARD in her new Camera for our Father's Day visit to Super Summer to visit "Daddy"?
Glad I had my phone.



I LOVE Union28 marriage apparel. But there's now stuff for kids, too! Click this image {affiliate link} to find these shirts::
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Bedding, Summer Goodies, & Organization

So I found this new site called It's kinda like an amazon or something where it pulls up several brands of what ever topic you're looking for from new bedding, summer time goodies, and organizational tools.

Lets say you search: flip flop bedding sets. I love flip flops and bed spreads! It comes up with these adorable comforters: This is from the Company Store. Cute colors for a girls room! And @ $99.oo it's not a horrible price. Very beachy, bright, and fun.

Or like plush blue rose towels. It comes up with all kinds of stuff including this cute beach towel for ~$10.00 from Swim2000. $10.00 for a beach towel is pretty average price, right?Wet Products Hibiscus Towel









Or even nsf-free airtight 25 lb flour containers. My friend Katie has some awesome container like these! She's been hold'n out for the quality canisters. She uses them to hold cereal, snacks, and even toys. These are found at Khols for sale $13.59-$16.99, iginal $15.99-19.99. A little pricey but possible worth it for the quality.Oggi Airtight Storage Containers

Just thought it could be a fun new site for you fellow mamma's to search for home and garden items {they have other categories as well}!
Let me know if you find any fun products.


{disclaimer: I will be paid for the attached links in this post}
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The night I Almost got Scammed by the “US Military”

{Warning! This is long.
You can skip to the bottom of the post for the juicy stuff,
I won't be offended.}

So, long story short {yeah right}. Matt left for Super Summer yesterday in the Jeep {Cherokee} pulling a trailer with a Rhino on it. He called me a little while later to tell me he was on the side of the road with, yet again, radiator trouble. After pulling over several times, filling it with water, etc he ended up having to call a buddy to come pick him up and take him {and the rhino} to camp.

Yep, still taking pics of everything with my new camera!

We've been talking about the need to 'trade in' the Jeep for a more gas efficent car some time soon {basically before the Jeep kicks the bucket}. Ooops. We waited too long I guess. So, I jump on the net being half way silly and search Craig's List for cars. I narrow it down to the nearest big town and searched "Honda Accord". Second listing!


What the crap!?! Click. Click. Click. WOW! This is for real a 2004 Honda for 1,700! I text Matt. He writes back, "for real". I email the link. CRAZY. I email the seller {no phone # or I so would have rang'm up}. Waiting. Waiting. Bed time routine. Waiting. RESPONSE!


I'm SSgt Monica Dixon. This Accord EXL is in perfect working condition. This vehicle engine runs very, very smooth. No electrical problems on this beauty. This detailed vehicle makes the exterior looks like it just came off the assembly line. The car has 81,200 miles. VIN Number: 1HGCM56744A118864
CD player Anti-lock brakes Driver Airbag Leather Sunroof
Passenger airbag Side airbags Air conditioning Cruise control
Power locks Power windows

Here are the pics of the car:

As I know that my current situation is pretty special I want the deal closed only through eBay's Buyer Protection Program in order for you to be 100% protected. You will make the payment to eBay and they will hold the money until you receive the car. ONLY AFTER you receive the car and you inspect it(for 10 days) eBay will release the payment to me; in this way we are both protected. Anyway i am sure that if you won`t be satisfied about the car i will surely find another buyer in your area and there will be no need for you to ship the car back.
I am located in London, UK, and I was sent here with my department of peace maintenance. One month ago my husband moved here with me and brought the car with him but now we have to sell it back in the United States because we can't register it here; it has US specs and everything and registering it here in Europe will take for ever.
My final price on it is $ 1700.00. If you will take it for this price I am willing to handle the shipping. It will be shipped from here by plane with US Air Military Cargo so it will not cost me anything. You will get it to the nearest airport in your area and then it will be trucked forward to your place. You will receive the car in about 3 days. Please get back to me ASAP if you decide to buy and include in your e-mail your full name and address where you want it shipped so I can start the deal with eBay. You will receive all the transaction payment and shipping details from them.

Best Regards,
Monica Dixon, SSgt, USAF1 SOMOS/MXOOA Maintenance Analysis 362-1594 Comm 884-1594


Okay, having heard that much, what camp are you in?

  1. Holy molly! Did you buy it?
  2. You're retarded. That's 'too good to be true'
  3. I'm confused. Where is the Jeep now?


I call Matt. No answer. "End Call" dial again! 3 times. I hit reply...then thought, "better not buy a car with the hubs 'go ahead'" Call my dad. No answer. Sit. Stair at the email... Emotions going back and forth: This is crap. Maybe God is doing some craziness here? I want this car! I want to believe it's a God thing. Sold. It's a God thing!!!

My dad calls back. I start telling him I might be buying a car. Matt 'beeps' in. "Dad, it's Matt. I'll call you right back."
Matt, "You rang?" Me, "I'm buying the car. Did you get the email I forwarded you?" Matt, "No." Me, "I'm buying the car. Here's the cool story {insert me reading him the email}"

I swear not all days in our life are 'drama' filled ;0)
It was a little less frantic than I'm telling it but it's more fun this way.

No cheering on the other end. ... {cherp cherp} ... "I think it might be a scam..." Me, "WHAT!?! She gave us her title. the car's ven # and...stuff" Matt, "____ just told me about trying to buy a car and mentioned eBay. It ended up being a scam. Twice." Me, "Poo-E! Go read the email. Let me know what you think." Matt, "K. I'll call ya back."

I reread the email. "I don't want it to be a scam...{pouty face}" I thought to myself in my miraculously quiet house with 3 sleeping babies by 8 o'clock.

I googled her. Yep. I copy and pasted "Monica Dixon, SSgt, USAF1 SOMOS/MXOOA Maintenance Analysis 362-1594 Comm 884-1594". This is the 1st article I found:

Used car buying scam from “military” personnel

This post is about a person who tried to also shopping Craig's List for a car. They too found an unbelievable deal. They too emailed the seller. They too relieved a response- almost Identical to the email response I received:

Hello and sorry for my delay,

I’m Sgt. Robert Parra. This Honda is in perfect working condition. This vehicle engine runs very, very smooth. No electrical problems on this beauty. This detailed vehicle makes the exterior looks like it just came off the assembly line. The car has 118k highway miles. VIN Number: 1hgcg1655ya068349

It was never involved in any accident, not even minor ones. The body and paint are great. The interior is super clean, mechanically, it runs like a cat on carpet.

Here are the pics of the car :

As I know that my current situation is pretty special I want the deal closed only through eBay’s Buyer Protection Program in order for you to be 100% protected. You will make the payment to eBay and they will hold the money until you receive the car. ONLY AFTER you receive the car and you inspect it(for 10 days) eBay will release the payment to me; in this way we are both protected. Anyway i am sure that if you will don`t be satisfied about the car i will surely find another buyer in your area and there will be no need for you to ship the car back.

I am located in London, United Kingdom and I was sent here to improve the military relationships between USA and UK. One month ago, my wife moved here with me and brought the car with her, but now we have to sell it back in US because we can’t register it here; it has US specs and everything, and registering it here in Europe will take for ever. My final price on it is US 2,960 $. If you will take it for this price, I am willing to handle the shipping. It will be shipped from here by plane with US Air Military Cargo so it will not cost me anything. You will get it to the nearest airport in your area and then it will be trucked forward to your place. You will receive the car in about 3 days. Please get back to me asap if you decide to buy, and include in your e-mail your full name and address where you want it shipped so I can start the deal with eBay. You will receive all the transaction payment and shipping details from them.

Best Regards,
Robert Parra



This happened to her more than once.

One member of the forum responded with this advice:

1. eBay does not “hold the money” until you are satisfied with the car. Once you pay them, that is it. And I suspect they will ask you to pay by Western Union.

2. The military does ship cars overseas for servicemen (why does this guy talk in pidgon english if he’s American, anyway?). But thet SHIP them, by SHIP, not by air. Total LIE.

3. American servicemen can drive their cars overseas without registering them there. Again total LIE. Why would a serviceman have a car shipped overseas if he could not register it?

The pattern is the same: a coveted item (BMW, Kobota Tractor, Honda motorcycle, etc.) worth $10,000 to $20,000 is offered for a pitiful amount – $2500 to $5000 with a long-winded “backstory” behind it. You wire them the money, thinking you scored big and that’s the last you hear of them.

They hijack eBay identifications by using those phishing scams. Typically if you look at their feedback, you’ll see it is some little old lady in Arkansas selling dolls. Suddenly, the person is a Seargent in the Army in England selling a car. What gives?

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is….

I really wanted it to be a God thing. Some times He really does cool stuff like that but other times He gave us brains to not fall for scams.

I text Matt, "Scam". Forgot to call my dad back who {way} later returned my call out of curiosity. So, lesson learned- just let'n you know- don't fall for this scam. Oh yeah...and I emailed them back:

I really wish you weren't trying to scam me. This would have been a huge blessing for my family. I wish you all the luck in finding a legit job soon!
{ - you might try switching it up a little}

Okay, not my most mature moment. Made me feel like I'd served some kind of justice, DORK! Now, I have to go back to mourning my fake car loss.

How about you? Did you know my car was a scam? Have you ever fallen for one?


For the record. I KNOW this has nothing to really do with the US Military. I appreciate ALL they do for our country. I have friends and family who have are serving. And Do NOT really associate them with this scam. Sorry these turds are misusing your titles.

To show my appreciation for our military I'd like to share some info brought to you by your friends at military streamline loan and VA loans explained.

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