Today is thoughtful Thursday so feel free to share ANY thoughtfulness!
Have a fun recipe? A tool you love? Please share by commenting with a link to your post about your thoughtfulness! Then post the “Thoughtful Thursday” button to your post so other ladies can get lots of thoughtful helps! I know I've been sharing a lot of recipes lately but ANYthing thoughtful is welcome! Consider visiting the link above yours and encouraging them through comments!
Today, I have some great news for you And me! 
My birthday is coming up in August. No, that's not the good news...although I'm not dreading it, I'm only going to be 28 AND I'll always be younger than the Hubs ;o)
I thought it would be cool to do a giveaway on my blog to celebrate! This is a THANK YOU to all of my readers. You guys make my day when I get comments and messages from you. Even simple stats saying someone dropped by is encouraging. Then I thought, 1 giveaway doesn't say that would be cool to do 20 days of giveaways starting on Aug 1st until my birthday on the 20th. Then I thought that, that's a lot of work. So I talked to some smart bloggers and they suggested I only run it for a week and end them all on the same day. That sounded better/easier. Matt ask if I thought I could even get 20 things to giveaway. Wanting to be confident, I said, "DUH! Sure I can." hehehe Game ON!
Well, I typed up a simple letter to those I'm already an affiliate for as well as to the company I already did a giveaway with. Then I send the same kind of letter via Facebook message to all my friends on Facebook that sell really cool stuff. {sorry if I missed someone who has a business- I'm still accepting giveaways if you're interested}. Guess what?
Almost EVERYONE said YES!
Woop-E, How many did you ask? 23! 16 have already agreed to join the giveaways! A couple of them have offered more than one product and others added discounts to ALL my readers! 7 businesses I'm still waiting to hear back from. How Good is GOD!?! I nailed down 1 giveaway on Monday. So I decided to go for it! Yesterday afternoon I began messaging and email everyone. By last night, my calendar was FULL! I am so excited. a little overwhelmed...but EXCITED!
I'll keep ya posted on the exact dates the giveaways will be running. I'm gonna have to get busy on writing up all the post about the products, companies, businesses, and my friends' great stuff they are offering YOU! I'll also be tweeting out hints about some of the products in the giveaways between now and then.