Mother’s Day Gifts for YOU {or the mother in your life}

Today I am sharing some last minute gift and wrapping ideas for all of you who are still searching for the mom in your life.
  • Need something FREE!?! These would be great gifts for low to no budget:
  • Here are some great sites to find gifts for almost any mom {some are pricey}:

Pampered Chef - kitchen fun
Thirty One Gifts - bags and purses
Bead for Life - jewelry

  • Great book ideas for moms:

Frumps to Pumps - "Your one-month motivotional to getting dressed and staying that way is a fun guide that offers daily challenges to help you get out of your frump slump. To get your FREE copy (plus blog articles), just enter your and subscribe" to

Don't wanna subscribe? Buy it here:  {affiliate link}

Save 27% over at Amazon on the ebook "Good Girls Don't have to Dress Bad"- "from conquering the battle of finding the right swimsuit, to choosing how many bangles you should wear or how big your purse should be, to wearing the right style jeans that will best flatter your thighs or hips, to finding the best places to shop to suit your unique personal style."

Another great book for this spring is  {affiliate link}. This is great motivation for cleaning AND is spiritually renewing.

GREAT book on what it really means to be a Proverbs 31 woman Pursuit of Proverbs 31{affiliate link}.

  • I'm also sharing some DEALS:
Union28 is giving 2 different discounts:
My Wife Rocks Tees & more @
15% OFF any ONE regular-priced apparel item when you use code:  U28MOM15

20% OFF any TWO or MORE regular-priced apparel items when you use code: U28MOM20

DETAILS:*Codes valid on regular-priced apparel items only.**Codes valid Wednesday, May 9 - Friday, May 11, 2012.***Codes must be entered at time of checkout; not valid with other offers. Click the Union28 buttom above to SHOP {affiliate link}

FREE Shipping is automatically applied to your order when your     merchandise total is $60 or more!


Walgreen photo deals:

Copy coupon code FOLD2 and enter at checkout by Saturday, May 12th

Copy coupon code MAKEIT30 and enter at checkout by Saturday, May 12th

Copy coupon code PRNTAT40 and enter at checkout by Saturday, May 12th

Copy coupon code FREE4ME and enter at checkout by Saturday, May 12th.


Can't believe I forgot this one:
FREE MOVIE from   !!!!

Use the code MAY13 {good on Mother's Day}!
FYI: The Vow...totally worth it and will get some brownie points ;o)

 Anyone else our there know of other coupon codes, ideas, deals or sites that need to be added to this list? Please Share with us!!!

NOTE: Matt, honey, I know you'll read this. These where NOT hints for you. You love me more than I could ask for each and every day. LOVE YOU!!!!

Featured at a Top Story in the #mothersday section of The Aurie Good Dailey!!!

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DIY Address Plaque {Thoughtful Thursday}

Today is thoughtful Thursday so feel free to share ANY helpful hint! Have a fun recipe? A tool you love? Please share by linking up below {linky messed up so add them in the comment section} and then posting the “Thoughtful Thursday” button to your post so other ladies can get lots of thoughtful helps! I know I've been sharing a lot of recipes lately but ANYthing thoughtful is welcome! Consider visiting the link above yours and encouraging them through comments!

I wanna show you how I made my new address plaque for my house {2 years of living here with no number on the house was prolly long enough}! When we started fixing up our house to sell it I remembered I still didn't put up our house number anywhere on our house. Good thing we don't order a lot of pizza to be delivered. This is my front door...

See, very symmetrical. I wasn't quite sure where to put the number. I decided I'd but it above the door, spelled out since our house number is 5. Yep, just 5. "Number 5". Confuses a lot of people. Sounds like an apartment. We tell friends our address and they wait patiently for the letter to follow the 5. Ya know, 5B, 5D. I digress.
DIY Plaque:

I found this solid wood plaque at Wally World for ~$6.oo

I broke out my acrylic paint. I chose black and white.After I finished the painting, I PRINTED the word five off a word document in some fancy cursive font. Make sure to let the ink dry thoroughly.
I cut the word out leaving as little of the white as possible.
Then I used Modge Podged it glue down the paper. Mine ended up being a lil off centered...measure:!
After I glued the bottom and top of the word down {gently so you don't tear the moist paper or smear the ink} I sprayed the entire plaque with a spray clear paint for a sealant since it will be out in the weather.
Lastly, I had my hubs climb on a ladder, center the plaque and use 2 large screws to hold the plaque in place.

 What are some creative ways you display your house number?

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5 Ways to Organize The Toy Monster

When my hubs and I started talking about having babies one of the things we discusses was TOYS. Matt mentioned that he would like if our house didn't look like a toys store and would love if the living room wasn't overtaken by toys. I agreed and thought that was a reasonable request. Thus, the "centers" began.

With just Maggie, our 2 bedroom 1 bathroom house was easy to keep clear of too many toys. Over the past 3 years we've double the size of our house and family. Here are a few key things we've set in place to organize and minimize the TOY craziness of life with kids. These tips are to know what toys to keep, which to share, how to maintain a pick-up home quickly while allowing your child to help in the process as well as instilling in them some independence.

  1. We purposely keep very few toys. We purge so often that it's often the 'talk' among relatives if their toy will make the cut {sorry guys!}. We want to keep it simple. Here is the criteria for keeping a toy: educational either physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. There are so many kids in this world that have nothing, we don't need to hoard crazy amounts of toys. Why not share!?
  2. We attempt to be purposeful about toys we have. We generally don't do Happy Meal toys, stuffed things, or small pieces. We enjoy basic things that can be used in a variety of play arenas {ie blocks- used from staking, pretend furniture, to detailed cities layouts; dolls- comfort, pretend friend, to parenting}. I will be sharing more about skill building through centers next week. We don't buy toys. Well, let me explain that one. Relatives and friends will more than likely always provide plenty of toys for our children and we do get our children 1 toy for holidays {mainly Christmas/Birthday...usually}.
  3. We have chosen not to have toys in our children's rooms so they know bedrooms are just for sleeping. Providing your child with a restful environment that is peaceful, dark, quiet, and almost boring is the best way to encourage good sleeping.
  4. We have had many ways to organize the toys. We used to have "adult colored" baskets of toys in the living room but they were easily slipped under the coffee table or off to the corner. When we moved into our current home and had the HUGE blessing of a playroom we still stuck with baskets but they are now there are more of them {as are there more children} and they divided more specifically.
  5. We rotate toys so our children stay interested in what they have and so there aren't too many scattered around the house. We never put all new toys out after a holiday. A couple are places among the other toys, a few older toys as well as the rest of the new toys are put into a closet and rotated out later. Some times our children have been know to be "grounded" from a specific toys for being selfish with it, or for mismanagement such as not it cleaning up when ask or playing with it rough or inappropriately.

Hope these are some practical hints to help you manage the Toy Monster that eeks into everyone's house the moment you find out your pregnant ;o) If you have any awesome ideas, we'd LOVE to hear them.

NOTE: We are about to transition to a new {smaller} home so we'll see what kind of organization comes with that and keep ya update!

Return for 5 Days of Organizing & Cleaning TOYS into centers!!!

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Staging to Sell

As many of you know, we are moving and having to sell our beautiful home...okay, no more talking about that {tear}. Today I wanna share how I am staging my home to sell it! According to all my reasearch this should get it off the market FAST! Join me over at The Homemaker's Challenge where I'm sharing with all our friends simple staging steps for both the inside and outside of you home!

What was your favorite tip for staging?

I started keeping these glad smell-goods filled when I started "showing" my home. Just say'n 😉

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A week in the life of a Roth babe…

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