DIY Address Plaque {Thoughtful Thursday}

Today is thoughtful Thursday so feel free to share ANY helpful hint! Have a fun recipe? A tool you love? Please share by linking up below {linky messed up so add them in the comment section} and then posting the “Thoughtful Thursday” button to your post so other ladies can get lots of thoughtful helps! I know I've been sharing a lot of recipes lately but ANYthing thoughtful is welcome! Consider visiting the link above yours and encouraging them through comments!

I wanna show you how I made my new address plaque for my house {2 years of living here with no number on the house was prolly long enough}! When we started fixing up our house to sell it I remembered I still didn't put up our house number anywhere on our house. Good thing we don't order a lot of pizza to be delivered. This is my front door...

See, very symmetrical. I wasn't quite sure where to put the number. I decided I'd but it above the door, spelled out since our house number is 5. Yep, just 5. "Number 5". Confuses a lot of people. Sounds like an apartment. We tell friends our address and they wait patiently for the letter to follow the 5. Ya know, 5B, 5D. I digress.
DIY Plaque:

I found this solid wood plaque at Wally World for ~$6.oo

I broke out my acrylic paint. I chose black and white.After I finished the painting, I PRINTED the word five off a word document in some fancy cursive font. Make sure to let the ink dry thoroughly.
I cut the word out leaving as little of the white as possible.
Then I used Modge Podged it glue down the paper. Mine ended up being a lil off centered...measure:!
After I glued the bottom and top of the word down {gently so you don't tear the moist paper or smear the ink} I sprayed the entire plaque with a spray clear paint for a sealant since it will be out in the weather.
Lastly, I had my hubs climb on a ladder, center the plaque and use 2 large screws to hold the plaque in place.

 What are some creative ways you display your house number?

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