“Oh, you can make milkshakes out of icecream?” {Thoughtful Thursday Link-Up}

That's right. I'm slack'n and didn't get the Thoughtful Thursday link up ready to go before 9pm. But here it is!

After dinner one night my girls were so excited to tell their daddy they were getting "SHACKS" for dessert! My husband came to me wondering where I was going to pick up shacks for them and when I told him I was making them he said, "Oh, you can make milkshakes out of icecream?"

Uummm, yeah! Duh. hehehe

Desired amount of icecream, any added flavoring you want, blend, pour, slurp!
I also like to put plain yogurt and frozen fruit in a blender and calling it a "shake"! My girls LOVE it and think it's the best snack/dessert Ever ;o)


I'm sure you have some way more Thoughtful things to share. Link'm Up below! {open 'til next Wednesday}

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10 Way to Grocery Shop in UNDER an Hour

Anyone else have those tantrum, panic attack, chaos filled trips to
Wal-Mart that feel never-ending like I do?

I've come along way from the Facebook picture post with the caption that read

left the house with both girls in the Jeep @ 10:30am for a quick run to Wal-Mart for tons of diapers, sale cokes, and a swimming pool...almost 5 hours later, she's home and has unloaded all those things out of a church van because her hubby had to come rescue her and the girls from the Jeep with a blown radiator hose in the parking lot of a Taco Bell

I have three children now {14 months, 2, and 3.5 years old} and we have been grocery shopping two weeks in a row in UNDER an hour {really close to 45min}. This includes but is not limited to 1 potty break, 2 diaper changes and normal sibling squabbles. Here are some of the things that have helped us get in and out!

  1. Have a budget. Use cash makes it easier to force yourself to stick within your budget.Use a calculator to keep track of what your spending so you stay within your budget. {I use my phone}
  2. Make a detailed list. {helps to know your simple menu for the week}Write your list in order of the store's layout then shop in order{we start with non-food in the front of the store working our way back and across and then move through the food from back to forward}Only get what's on the list.
  3. Shop as early in the morning as you can. Fewer shoppers, happier kids, easier shopping. {we attempt to leave our house by 9am and with driving across town we get home around 10:30}
  4. Plan your parking to park on the side of the store you plan to check out on and near a cart rack. I know most people don't like parking near these bc their vehicle may get smacked by loose buggies but it's so much more convenient for loading and unloading children. {hint: germ-X and a baby wipe}
  5. Plan a potty/diaper change break as soon as you walk in the store so you don't have to figure out what to do with our cart full of stuff {there may still be the inevitable break in the middle of shopping though}
  6. Minimize tantrums by bring snacks/sippy cups/bottles/paci for the littles {I give them their snack when we head to the grocery side- about 1/2 done shopping and it keeps the from wanting everything on the shelves to snack on} AND by making the trip teachable. If you allow your children to look at the toys but in an educational {distracting} way there will be less of a fight, as well as not allowing them to get something every time you go. {ex: what colors do you see in the ball rack, is there a letter on that sign}
  7. Make your small ones ride.

    This could possibly be the single most important thing for making our trips faster. I have the little bitties so when our store used to have though awesome, ridiculously big, blue monstrosities that seated two of the kids I USED IT! Looks crazy and is a little harder to steer but well worth not having to constantly discipline a loose child. They no longer have them so I make everyone ride until after potty break and non-food. They have to "Sit knees or bottom while we're moving". {I don't know how many times I remind the of that, "knees or bottom"}. It may get crowded but you can walk 10 times faster without having to take toddler steps. Now that I've instituted the snack my oldest wants to keep riding so she can have her snack. Some days we have bigger items so I reward them by allowing walking {behind the cart, holding on when they are not asked to get what I ask them to}.
  8. Utilize your cart space. Carry large items like dog food on the bottom rack or make a seat for your children by laying bottled water packs flat. Sort by like items when possible. {frozen, pantry, fridge, non-food} This will help you load items at the register, get them in similar bags so sorting at home will be easier.
  9. Plan a SIMPLE meal planned for after shopping. {We have Macaroni Mondays!!!!} Even shopping in under and hour can be stressful by the time you get home, unload, put away and then attempt to cook something you just bought. Keep it super simple and have it already set out so you can make it really quick while the littles set the table ;o)
  10. Relax! Try and enjoy the trip, people watch, point our new things to your children, look for good behavior to reward.

Hope these help you like they have me. If you have any thing to add to the list PLEASE SHARE! Happy shopping!

Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little Blessings

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Micro Cooker {Thoughtful Thursday Link-Up}

Another must is my Pampered Chef Large Micro Cooker for Microwave. I think you're supposed to use it for rice, veggies, etc but we brown our ground beef in it. Score! Brown 1 lb beef with no grease burns in a quick ~5min! (then chop it with the mix-n-chop, wink wink)

I have since bought one of each of these pampered chef tools off eBay for my mom. Love'em
I should sell these babies ;o)

Revive Frost-bit Chicken
Brown Ground Beef {for stew} & break apart using pampered chef chop-n-mix

*Note: I am not being paid for these recommendations/reviews but if you know how I can- bring it!

Do you have any gadgets that have made your life in the kitchen easier? Please share a link in the comment section below! {sorry, link-up messed up}


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Splints and Talents {Body Parts Continued}

I talked {rambled} the other day about being the part of the body of Christ He's created you to be.

Today I was hoping to talk a little about what do do if you're not sure what your gifts and talents are or if you know but feel like you are injured.

Making Balloon Animals Pictures, Images and Photos

Let's start with a figuring out what part of the body of Christ you are. God has uniquely created us all to unfathomably work in sequence with one another to glorify Himself. Just begin asking yourself some simple {bahaha} questions: What are you good at? No, I didn't ask if there was a ministry in existence at your church that you think you could fit into. What do you enjoy doing? What God-given abilities do you have? They don't have to be church-ordained to be usable by God. Get creative. Step outside the box that is the 'church' of today.

Another good post to read is "How to figure out your spiritual gift". But don't get too caught up in list someone else has created on the topic of what is or isn't a God-given gift. This is where many of us close our selves off to being used. God is bigger than we could ever imagine. Any talent/ability He has given you is ultimately for His glory.

The other thing I wanted to address is those in the body of Christ that feel injured. 1st of all, you need to admit you've been hurt. Maybe there was an offense from someone. Maybe you're trapped by perpetual sin. What ever the case, "half the battle is admitting you have a problem." If I had been too embarrassed and not confessed that I hurt my finger the other night while doing something goofy {jumping over a chair} I would have still hurt but would have continued using my thumb before letting it heal. I also would have looked silly trying to continue doing everyday tasks pretending I was fine.

As the body of Christ, we will all suffer if we don't learn to recognize injuries and figure out the proper healing that needs to take place. Do we need to ask people to step out of ministry until they get the right 'medicine'? How can we splint these injured parts of the body by coming along side them to aid them in counseling, rehab or creating an environment that's no longer harmful? The body of Christ as a whole Is Responsible for each and every part of it's body. We are responsible for the entire body's growth, development, training, usefulness and continual health!

Galatians 6:2{ESV}

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Are you being "your brother's keeper" aka are you taking responsibility for the other parts of the body of Christ as you are biblicaly called to do? Do you need someone to take responsibility for you? In your healing?

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What body part are you?

Last night I hurt my thumb. Many of you will not be surprised that I was hopping over a chair during our youth service and jammed it, or fractured it, or maybe broke it. Who knows. It hurts thought! Super bad.

Rich\'s broken finger

I attempted to make a splint to immobilize it last night but that didn't work. So then I just used medical tape to try to keep it from hurting too badly. I did not sleep well.

It's amazing how one little hurt finger can cripple you in so many ways.

Moving my other fingers on my left hand moves the thumb and therefore renders my entire hand useless.

Last night I couldn't

  • unbutton my pants to use the restroom.
  • unbuckle my children from their car seats.
  • open the Tylenol bottle.
  • squeeze the tooth paste to brush my teeth.

This morning I couldn't

  • wash my hair in the shower.
  • put on make-up.
  • blow dry my hair and use my brush.
  • put on a shirt normally.
  • carry more than 1 child.
  • help my children get dressed.

Did I mention I'm left-handed? That means my plans for the rest of the day are shot. I can't

  • write our monthly budget.
  • pay bills.
  • vacuum the house.
  • fold laundry.
  • scrub bathrooms.
  • rack our front yard.
  • sweep the floors.

I've tried to do all these things. Some I've accomplished but at a MUCH slower pace than normal and look'n like a fool the entire time. You know: holding the toothpaste with my forearm and squeezing it out against my tummy. Washing my hair one-handed. Stretching my arm over the top of my head hoping I rinsed out all the soap. Applying mascara to my eyelashes {and the rest of my face} as I tried reaching across my face.

My emotions keep swinging back and forth from laughing at myself and my failed attempts to act like nothings wrong and wanting to cry because my thumb hurts so bad when it moves.

God is teaching me today from Romans 8:28 (NIV)

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

Yeah yeah, the whole, "He's got a plan" thing and the obvious, "Maybe He wants you to slow down" advice but today, God is teaching me about the body of Christ through this circumstance.

~~~~~{Long break from typing for lunch, that took twice as long because MY THUMB HURTS!}~~~~~~~

 Often, as Christians, when we hear the passage talking about us being the "body of Christ" we run in two different directions.

  1. We see all these important people in "church" and assume our job is insignificant. We attend minimal services much less contribute to any ministry because we feel unqualified {especially in comparison to others around us}. We see our simple gifts and talents as unnecessary or useless to ministry.
  2. We hike up our boots and assume there's enormous amounts of work to be done...by ME. So we take on every ministry possible and fill our weeks with every "church" activity available. We take a worldly point of view and view ministry like the American dream. The more well-rounded we are the better. The higher in authority we become the more worthy. The more titles we acquire the more meaning we bring to our lives.

I'm here to say I am learning that neither of these approaches is biblical!

Taking on either one of these points of view will cripple the body of Christ and inevitably the advancement of the gospel. Who knows the human body better than God, its creator? He formed every inch of us with a specific purpose. Who better would understand the inner workings and specific purposes of the body of Christ than Jesus Christ? He lived it.

Manikin II

When you join a local body of believers and assume they have everything running smoothly and don't need you, the body is crippled. Maybe you see your role in the body as a thumb and say "I'm just 1 of many fingers. What difference does it make if I am involved engaged or take part. It won't make big difference if I'm even healthy. They can do it without me." By not engaging or participating in the ministry of your local body of Christ using your specific gifting and talent you are hindering it. When you do this you are belittling the craftsmanship and sovereignty of God. He made you a thumb. You have a significant part in the body of Christ to advance His gospel in your community and beyond.

In the same since, when you assume you are to be involved in every aspect of your local body of believers you hinder its full potential. When you try to work your way up in what the world sees as the hierarchy of the church, the body ends up look'n like a fool by having a thumb attempting to do the specific purpose of the nose...and a leg...and a tooth...and the hair. It takes at least twice as long to get something done and that's if the task ever gets accomplished. AND we make the other parts feel unnecessary by us doing their job.

Wow, that was a lot thinking out loud. Hope that all came out right. God's teaching me all kinds of new things about saying no and stepping up. Maybe I'm not the only one and that's why I felt like sharing. Thanks for reading through my thoughts on being a part of the body of Christ. Tomorrow I plan to come back and finish up some thoughts on "splinting" and "talents".

Leave a comment: share your thoughts are your journey as a thumb, or an eye, or the brain ;o)

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