Kid’s Book Club

Yesterday, the kiddos and I went to the White Hall (or any) public library for the 1st time! A friend from our amazing Sunday school class met me there with her 3 kids and showed me the ropes. While her 3 and Mags ran into the children's section and peered of rows and rows of  books, Leann and I signed up our kids for the summer book club where you read 10 books with your toddler/preschooler per week to get their name in a drawing and I got my 1st library card. Don't get me wrong, I've used my mom's as a child but after heading to college there was no need, hello- college campus library. After a full card of info, a failed attempt at using my driver's licence as a form or ID/verification of where I live, another failed attempt at using junk mail for verification, and 3 references later, I had my card! After all the paper work the adventure began.
I'd forgotten how much fun a library can be. Endless amounts of books. Shelves of movies. Desks full of computers. My reader (loves to look at and have books read to her), Maggie was in HEAVEN! My non-reader (squirmy worm, look at the book when I feel like it), Izzie loved it because their were bigger kids there, a riser for children to sit and read on (she climbed) and a Giant Clifford dog for hugging! Great place! Angel, my friend's oldest, had been walking Mags up and down the ales of books telling her all about them and showing her just a few favs. I then got to show Maggie her section trying to give a simple explanation of how all of this world of wonder worked. She then got to get a 'shopping' basket from the front desk and select 10 books to check out for the week. What books did she pick you ask? 9 Curious George books and 1 called Aaron's Hair. She has been a huge fan of that "silly little monkey" for a long while now but these books are a little different from the movies and small board books we have at home.
When we got home and began reading them I noticed a basic plot in every one of the CG books- George disobeys the Man in the Yellow hat, makes some really bad choices followed by one good choise, and ends up walking home a hero with no repercussions. WHAT? I'm sorry but that's the opposite of what I'm trying to teach my children day in and day out. If that wasn't snareled-nose enough; Aaron's Hair is about a boy who has hard to manage hair which leads him to one day tell it, "HAIR! I HATE YOU!" HUH? I continued reading after trying to skim past that part attempting to excuse it. The hair jumps off the boy's head and proceeds to run all over town where it tries to grown on other people in random places on their body. Aaron, in an attempt to get his hair back, keeps instructing these individuals, "tell the hair you don't like it" which leads the people to yell, HAIR! I HATE YOU!" When I realized this would be the theme of each encounter I no longer read the words I just quickly went through each page talking about where the hair was going/doing. The only reason I kept reading was to get to the end where there would obviously be a guessed it- NOPE!
This adventure (which we will continue to journey through despite this rough week of book selection) has taught me once again that no matter how beneficial, fun, memorable an activity with my child it will always demand my discernment as a Christian parent. I let my guard down. This is such a "good" place and reading is such a healthy thing, I thought to myself. You should never expect godly behavior, ideals, or basic lifestyle out of something/someone who is not a Christ follower (and even more scary, some who hold the name Christian). God has entrusted me with these amazing little blessings. I am responsible for what they are exposed to, taught, and even their actions at this age. It's a high calling; with blessings, fun, laughs, miracles, joy, but not without tears, exhaustion, aches, stress, and LOTS of mistakes hopefully followed by learning. We will check out all kinds of books and use each one to have discussions about the chooses, language, attitudes, etc good or bad, that comes up in that time.

A few more pics our our 1st trip to the public library

You notice all my pictures of Maggie are slighly blurry right now. Can't get her to slow down.

 I'd LOVE feedback! **comments available below!**

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Oster 3-in-1 Hand Blender

The Oster 3-in-1 Hand Blender is amazing and I use it at least 2 times a month. We originally bought this tool from Wal-Mart when looking for something cheap to make homemade baby food (uping the usage to more than 2x a week) for our 2nd child (after burning up our 1st one), ~2010. I now use this to chop/crush crackers, nuts, and cereal. I do big batches of these and store them in my pantry to make meal prep faster! It also assist in making baby food a snap!

*Note: I am not being paid for these recommendations/reviews but if you know how I can- bring it!

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SocialVibe: What the smackedy-honk?

What is this Social Vibe widget thing you're trying to get us to click on??
Their description: "SocialVibe is the easiest way to help the causes you care about, without having to spend any money. You and the community + your favorite brands = money for charity."

How do I do this?
It's kinda silly but basically all you have to do is click the "socialvibe" box on the left hand side of my blog, do some kinds of "activity" (the only one I've done so far was a vote choosing who Toyota would give cars to), and then some how the brands affiliated with this site give money to your chosen charity.

Why are you doing this?
I attempt (if at all possible) to have everything I do in life to be beneficial to God's eternal kingdom. If I can further the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ in Africa through Jars of Clay's Blood:Water Mission projects from a simple widget on my blog then WOOHOO!!!
What is your chosen charity?
Blood:Water Mission: Click this for basic info and this to learn more about the growing African church. Going to their site will allow them to explain it a lot better than me and help you connect better with this ministry.

What are the benefits?
If I understand it right, my chosen charity works like this:
20 clicks/completed "activity" I get on my site= 37 days of clean water for a person in Africa

****Correction...I guess I don't really understand this bc I've now done only 2 actities and have already earned 37 days???****

Join me and make a difference! You can do 1 activity a day. I will always have it available on here and am attempting to get a spot on my Facebook page.
Didn't cover something? Just leave a comment with your questions so I can lecha ya know!

*all images provided by google images ;o)

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I have to sacrifice WHAT?

It's important for us to teach our children at a young age responsibility. Maggie, my 3-year-old, in 17 days tear :'O( LOVES "chores" or "jobs" that are hers. We've gone through spells of bossiness between her and my younger daughter (18 months apart) so we had several lessons on what her "job" was as a big sister and what my job was as the mamma.  Every time I reminded her that something wasn't her "job" she'd ask with a smirk, "what IS my job?" to which I'd respond with her list again or I'd ask her to tell me.

Maggie also has many "chores" throughout the day.

*Lunch and dinner she always sets the table: place mats for all, her and Izzie's (and any added little guests) plastic plates, little forks, sippy cups, as well as my prized fiestaware for adults, big silverware, and canned drinks. Izzie is starting to help with this one and LOVES it. She needs a bit more guidance for placement but getting better and Maggie thinks it's great to help her, since she's sooo experience ya know.

*Sorting laundry is something she helps with as well. Then she puts away things down stairs (i.e. kichen towels, her panties, burp clothes, and bibs) as well as upstairs items (i.e. clothes and big towels), if she happens to be up there with me (usually a chore I do myself).

*Unloading the dishwasher one of the 1st "chores" she was given. She was thrilled to be such a big help to me. Her job? Put away the silverware. She was meticulous at this. Originally sorting by type and size alone until we got new silverware which added the benefit of color sorting, Sweet! Just like any other person, this got boring...I guess. Now she often cons her sister into helping her which leads to mixed types/sizes/colors and sometime just up-side-down. Not a big deal, right? To you non-OCD types.

This was just one hurdle I had to overcome in able to allow my children to assist me as well as for me to be able to teach them valuable lessons on stewardship, service, and plain-ole responsibility.

What are you sacrificing in order to train your children? Leave a comment- lets chat about it.

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Thanks Hershey’s

How many of you have laundry stories? You know, the ones that involve pens, markers, wallets stuffed with valuable recites, gum, pictures, anything non-launderable. Yep, I have even washed a diaper! For real! The hubs apparently carries them in the cargo pockets of his much for going the extra mile to checking the top 4 pockets for the infamous wallet (washed at least 3x before). But today's shout out goes to Hershey's!

THANK YOU Hershey's Krackel Miniatures for making(apparently) washable and inpinatraitable wrapping! My load of laundry was saved! How anyone could forget a Krackle in their pocket I'll never understand.

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