Search Results for: crafts

Advent 2012 Day 1 & 2

Well, I had high hopes off all this organization for advent this year...and then my hubs was finally off work! Who can think about planning and finalizing organization when your long lost best friend is home again. These 14 hour days are hard! I get to see my hubby about 3 hours a most of that I have to share him. Boo Hoo

So anyways, he was off Friday & we declared a "do nothing, go no where day"! Then Friday we decided to go to the Rothacher's favorite consignment event to see if we could score some great finds for a couple of families we're helping with Christmas. Deals found: brand spank'n new tennis shoes & an adorable caterpillar my kids really wanted to claim; but they were allowed to claim the Little People Noah's Arch for $1!

We went to the in-love's house for nap time and then caught a quick lunch in the nest Vtown eating establishment. When we were heading out-of-town to hunt for Christmas PJs and the practical stuff for the families, my keen observation skills identified families claiming spots for a parade. WHAT!?! We text a friend and confirmed that the Vtown Christmas parade was that night. Score! We ran our errand real fast and made it back just in time to lay our a blanket right next to the road where we enjoyed a night pretending we are already part of the community with giant waves, cheers, and LOTS of "Merry Christmas"es! {WARNING: I only used a few pic to spare you from Cuteness overload}

Our Sunday was pretty typical: wake up entirely too early to get everyone up and ready for church an hour way in another town. Prepping for an afternoon of lunch out and possible fellowship. Matt and I were so excited to get to participate in oneChurch's Advent candle lighting that morning. We were blessed to have lots of hang time with friends.

Needless to say, we didn't get to the organized Advent crafting I had planned but I wouldn't trade those days of celebrating His coming for all the funky ornaments my kids could make. I'm attempting to be purposeful this season yet not so caught up in "the book" that I miss moments and memories with my little bitty family and our friends.

Side Note: be looking forward to post about the crafts we actually have done as well as a #ItsAboutGiving post about helping Compassion International meet their goal of raising $20,000 for children in poverty this Christmas season.
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What the Rothacher’s are doing for Advent?

The Rothacher clan has started intentionally "doing Advent" last year and we are excited to share with you what we'll be doing this year!

For years I thought Advent was either a simple cardboard calendar that had candies in it that you and your brothers fought to snag 1st OR a Catholic/Jewish holiday that had something to do with candles {aka menorah} but I've come to learn that Advent is anything you do in the weeks leading up to Christmas as a family that teach about or celebrating what has "come" an is "coming" can be considered part of Advent.

"The key to this entire advent celebration is to have a daily focus and meditation on God’s greatest gift. Your  children will learn the ins and outs of the story because you’ve facilitated a time to discuss, play, and create. And in those moments, God will speak to their hearts and yours.

The little Baby is no longer in the manger but alive and sitting on a throne—waiting to have a relationship with you and your children. Help your children get to know Him this Christmas!"

                                                                                      -Truth in the Tinsel

So far this year, things we've done {or are doing} to begin preparing for Christmas are:

  • Decorated the house for Christmas, including setting up & decorating our tree as a family.
  • Wore fun Christmas-like clothing.
  • Packed Operation Christmas Child boxes.
  • Watching TONS of Christmas movies
  • Visiting Santa at the mall in North West AR {the BEST Santa ever}

Things we plan to do in the coming weeks:

  • Attending some fun activities in December including 3 Christmas parties, going to visit "Bethlehem", Christmas Eve service.
  • Bake TONS of cookies & other snacks for our neighbors.
  • Shop for gifts for family, friends, and others we've adopted for the season.
  • See a Christmas play with our HIPPY group.
  • Possibly see a Christmas parade
  • Reading plan for celebrating Advent with the Jesus Storybook Bible.

And the newest thing we are adding to our Advent adventure is THIS:

This book has 24 days of Scripture reading, ornament crafts, talking points and extension activities. Plus fun printables and templates! This is the perfect book for kids of any age–from preschool to elementary! YAY!!! I've already collected all my supplies to make sure we have everything needed for the crafts. It doesn't really take a lot but I didn't have googly eyes, or glitter glue. ;o)

Oh, and I'm an affiliate for Truth in the Tinsel because I think it's that cool! They didn't tell me to say that.

I'm going to try and share lots of our Advent adventure this year but don't shoot me if I'm slack'n...I'm going to concentrate on participating more than sharing this year ;o)

What are you doing for Advent? Wanna go through the Truth in the Tinsel book with us? Grab the book today so you'll be ready Saturday!

contains affiliate links
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Fall Decor turned Science Project {Thoughtful Thursday}

So some of you may have the wrong impression and think I'm a great cook or DIYer. Just wanted to put this out there along with my facade I publish here every week on Thoughtful Thursdays:

"Acorns in a Vase"

Simple. Cute. Free!

We gathered acorns after a fun family picnic outing and brought them home for a cute fall DIY decorations.

The girls were very proud that they'd help 'make' this fun display on our dinning room table...until a week later! No, they were still very proud of, not to much. I was discussed as my girl examined their creatures they had accidentally carted home in their acorn.

THIS great post taught me that you should dry out the acorns in the sun, then Wash them, and Bake them to kill all the living stuff in them. DUH! Read this dudes article for more details.

I sure felt like a goob as I made my hubs dis-guard the nastiness that was my fall decor...

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Father’s Day Gift Ideas {Thoughtful Thursdays}

Today is thoughtful Thursday so feel free to share ANY thoughtfulness!

Have a fun recipe? A tool you love? Please share by linking up below {linky messed up so add them in the comment section} and then posting the “Thoughtful Thursday” button to your post so other ladies can get lots of thoughtful helps! I know I've been sharing a lot of recipes lately but ANYthing thoughtful is welcome! Consider visiting the link above yours and encouraging them through comments!

I know Father's Day is still a month away, but I wanted to give those mom's out there a little more heads up than I did the dad's for mother's day. They tend to work a lil more in ahead of time anyways ;o)

Here are some AWEsome gift ideas I've found {mainly on Pinterest, direct links attached}:

Make Dad feel extra special by decorating you door for his day just like you would for other holidays!

Consider your dad's hobbies. Don't just get him a 'dad' gift bc that's what you think all dads like!

{affiliate link}

Guys like decorations around the house that commemorate milestones in his life, too!Some times a lil embracing recognition is Fun!Have a PARTY!!! Invite all the dads in your life! Need a theme ideas?

Need some food ideas:There are free printables for EVERY occasion!Mom's aren't the only ones who love a good 'ole fashioned handmade gift!

Have your kids announce to the world how much their dad ROCKS!

{affiliate link}

Here's a link to even MORE ideas on my Pinterest Gift Idea Board!


Hope these ideas sparked some memorable gift ideas for the daddies in your life! Have any to add to the list?

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What body part are you?

Last night I hurt my thumb. Many of you will not be surprised that I was hopping over a chair during our youth service and jammed it, or fractured it, or maybe broke it. Who knows. It hurts thought! Super bad.

Rich\'s broken finger

I attempted to make a splint to immobilize it last night but that didn't work. So then I just used medical tape to try to keep it from hurting too badly. I did not sleep well.

It's amazing how one little hurt finger can cripple you in so many ways.

Moving my other fingers on my left hand moves the thumb and therefore renders my entire hand useless.

Last night I couldn't

  • unbutton my pants to use the restroom.
  • unbuckle my children from their car seats.
  • open the Tylenol bottle.
  • squeeze the tooth paste to brush my teeth.

This morning I couldn't

  • wash my hair in the shower.
  • put on make-up.
  • blow dry my hair and use my brush.
  • put on a shirt normally.
  • carry more than 1 child.
  • help my children get dressed.

Did I mention I'm left-handed? That means my plans for the rest of the day are shot. I can't

  • write our monthly budget.
  • pay bills.
  • vacuum the house.
  • fold laundry.
  • scrub bathrooms.
  • rack our front yard.
  • sweep the floors.

I've tried to do all these things. Some I've accomplished but at a MUCH slower pace than normal and look'n like a fool the entire time. You know: holding the toothpaste with my forearm and squeezing it out against my tummy. Washing my hair one-handed. Stretching my arm over the top of my head hoping I rinsed out all the soap. Applying mascara to my eyelashes {and the rest of my face} as I tried reaching across my face.

My emotions keep swinging back and forth from laughing at myself and my failed attempts to act like nothings wrong and wanting to cry because my thumb hurts so bad when it moves.

God is teaching me today from Romans 8:28 (NIV)

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

Yeah yeah, the whole, "He's got a plan" thing and the obvious, "Maybe He wants you to slow down" advice but today, God is teaching me about the body of Christ through this circumstance.

~~~~~{Long break from typing for lunch, that took twice as long because MY THUMB HURTS!}~~~~~~~

 Often, as Christians, when we hear the passage talking about us being the "body of Christ" we run in two different directions.

  1. We see all these important people in "church" and assume our job is insignificant. We attend minimal services much less contribute to any ministry because we feel unqualified {especially in comparison to others around us}. We see our simple gifts and talents as unnecessary or useless to ministry.
  2. We hike up our boots and assume there's enormous amounts of work to be ME. So we take on every ministry possible and fill our weeks with every "church" activity available. We take a worldly point of view and view ministry like the American dream. The more well-rounded we are the better. The higher in authority we become the more worthy. The more titles we acquire the more meaning we bring to our lives.

I'm here to say I am learning that neither of these approaches is biblical!

Taking on either one of these points of view will cripple the body of Christ and inevitably the advancement of the gospel. Who knows the human body better than God, its creator? He formed every inch of us with a specific purpose. Who better would understand the inner workings and specific purposes of the body of Christ than Jesus Christ? He lived it.

Manikin II

When you join a local body of believers and assume they have everything running smoothly and don't need you, the body is crippled. Maybe you see your role in the body as a thumb and say "I'm just 1 of many fingers. What difference does it make if I am involved engaged or take part. It won't make big difference if I'm even healthy. They can do it without me." By not engaging or participating in the ministry of your local body of Christ using your specific gifting and talent you are hindering it. When you do this you are belittling the craftsmanship and sovereignty of God. He made you a thumb. You have a significant part in the body of Christ to advance His gospel in your community and beyond.

In the same since, when you assume you are to be involved in every aspect of your local body of believers you hinder its full potential. When you try to work your way up in what the world sees as the hierarchy of the church, the body ends up look'n like a fool by having a thumb attempting to do the specific purpose of the nose...and a leg...and a tooth...and the hair. It takes at least twice as long to get something done and that's if the task ever gets accomplished. AND we make the other parts feel unnecessary by us doing their job.

Wow, that was a lot thinking out loud. Hope that all came out right. God's teaching me all kinds of new things about saying no and stepping up. Maybe I'm not the only one and that's why I felt like sharing. Thanks for reading through my thoughts on being a part of the body of Christ. Tomorrow I plan to come back and finish up some thoughts on "splinting" and "talents".

Leave a comment: share your thoughts are your journey as a thumb, or an eye, or the brain ;o)

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