Chicken & Stuffing {recipe}

I think you may have seen this cook book on my sidebar a while back or on the Support the Rothacher's page if you've poked around there at all. I just wanted to share with you why I support this cook book.

Mystie is a genius! Yep. She's done all the hard work for us and simplified our cooking therefore it simplifying our grocery shopping all via the pantry list! As a baby and toddler, her oldest child was mildly allergic to corn, and thus began the Great Simplification. Her eCookbook Simplified Dinners is packed full of meals you can create by stoking her basic pantry list. She also has a Simplified Dinners GLUTEN FREE version of the eCookbook! Below is a video where Mystie explains how she came up with this concept.

Buy her book(s) HERE!

There are many nights I look up at the clock with maybe 20 minutes to spare before our routine dinner time. I get to share my simple {kid-friendly}, low-calorie {just like the hubs likes it}, FAST {the way Mamma likes it} recipe with Mystie's Simple Pantry Cooking crowd today!! Come grab the recipe and find so many more GREAT ones.

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Turkey Hand-print Gift Bags {Thoughtful Thursday}


I am Thankful for YOU!

Last week I told you that we make a fun fall themed snack mix for our neighbors. This week I'm going to show you how we made the quick & easy turkey hand-print gift bags we loaded the snack mix into for delivery.


  • brown paper lunch size bag {1 for each child}
  • acrylic paint {we used green, blue, red, & yellow}
  • small cup of water
  • small paint brush(es)

How-to Trace & Paint
{my 3 & 4-year-old}

  • Put on paint aprons, strip down kids, or just go for it!
  • Lay your child's hand down & trace it with a pencil then retrace it with a marker {avoiding the marker on the kids hand} and then add the legs, eyes, beck, & gobbler
  • Squire a small bit of each desired paint color onto a paper plate and a small cup of water
  • Let your child paint the "turkey" {attempting to stay in the lines} with a paint brush {rinsing in water}
  • Let dry completely before adding snacks for delivery

How-to just Paint the hand
{my 2-year-old}

  • Put on paint aprons, strip down kids, or just go for it!
  • Squire a small bit of each desired paint color onto a paper plate
  • Hold your child's hand out flat & paint the fingers {I did skipped the brown on palm & thumb since the bag was already brown. Then various colors on fingers}: only do ONE hand at a time
  • Take your child to the sink and quickly wash the hand off well before they touch everything & before you do the other hand.
  • Let dry completely before adding snacks for delivery

I know this isn't an original, so how do YOU do Turkey Hand-Prints?

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Saving the WORLD: one shoesbox at a time

There's a-whole-nother world out there. Usually on the other side of the world. One that we American's can't even fathom. We can make a difference. It is possible to make disciples of all nations! This Christmas season, be apart of sharing the gospel with a child through Operation Christmas Child & Samaritan's Purse. It's as easy as:

It's close but possibly not too late for YOU to participate!

Go HERE to learn how to pack shoebox, HERE to find out about tracking your box!, and HERE to find a collection site near you!

By the way: many of you many not know that Operation Christmas Child is unique. The shoebox itself is not the Real gift. Children will be introduced to Jesus through colorful Gospel booklets that are handed out when the boxes are distributed. Local churches in that area of the world will invite them to a follow-up discipleship program that includes a series of engaging Bible lessons. Those graduating will receive a New Testament to encourage them to learn more about the Savior. These same children become witnesses of God’s love in their communities as they grow in their faith! Thanks for being intentional with your giving this year. A cup of water should NEVER just be a cup of water.

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The Real Homemaker’s Challenge {Day 5}

I think this has been the hardest post for me to write thus far in this series. There is so much out there right now, from big names with great reputations and big followings, talking to moms about turning-in to their families and ministering to them first and for most. I am going to try and just put it out there with no apologies because I believe its biblical but please hear me out. Many American Christian {SAHM} moms are making an idol out of their carrier. I don't believe our family should necessarily come first in all cases. I think some times we need to sacrifice our ideal family for living out gospel centered lifestyles.

Wanna see where this is going??? continue reading over at the Homemaker's Challenge on the last day of the series, The REAL Homemaker's Challenge.

Miss one? Catch up here:

INTRO to Heart Issues Series




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The Real Homemaker’s Challenge {Day 4}

I think comparison and envy some times come hand-in-hand. You compare yourself to someone else and when you don't feel like you measure up you all of sudden start to envy their life.

Envy is best defined as a resentful emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another's (perceived) superior quality, achievement or possession and wishes that the other lacked it.

Bertrand Russell said envy was one of the most potent causes of unhappiness. Not only is the envious person rendered unhappy by his envy, but they also wish to inflict misfortune on others.

Many times we excuse being envious as something normal, typical, or excusable. Just searching the Bible for the word envy you find that it is always listed among greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, arrogance, folly, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, slander, pride, foolishness, orgies, and drunkenness. Obviously God knows this and that's why envy is mentioned among such tragic offenders. ..... Keep reading on the Homemaker's Challenge today!

Miss one? Catch up here:

INTRO to Heart Issues Series



Here's the last one of the series {keep in mind, the link will not work until the post has been published}:


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