Thanksgiving Neighbor Love’n {Thoughtful Thursday}

So, many of you know we Rothacher's love a good excuse to love on our neighbors! I wrote about several recipes {HERE, HERE, & HERE} as well as upcycled gift wrapping we often using during last years Advent series.


This past week we decided to make us some chex-mix to snack on. When we get out the stuff to make a snack like this, we go ahead and make a crazy big amount of it and share!!! It's fun to do these simple gestures and I've found my kids asking to make things for our neighbors, mail-carrier, and trash-men if we haven't done anything in a couple weeks. They get so desperate at my laziness that they scribble pictures to stick in the mail box. Yeah, sorry about that cute lil Santa-look-a-like mailman, you have my permission to through them away...just not in my trash can. It prolly already has the trash-man's pictures in it. ;o)

 Snack Mix {Thanksgiving Style}

How to make the mix

  • PreHeat {bwahahaha} oven to 250'
  • Melt butter & blend with Worcestershire sauce. Mix all seasonings together then combine into liquid mixture. Stir Well. Mix all cereal {Just CHEX} in a giant bowl, pour liquid/seasoning mixture over cereal and stir {forever} to  coat all the cereal evenly.
  • Dump coated cereal onto 1-2 edged cookie sheets & back for 1 hour. Stir At LEAST once in the middle {after 30 minutes}.
  • Cut open a paper bag {I used 2 small lunch bag} and lay out flat on a counter. Pour backed cereal across the paper bag {only 1 layer thick} and let dry for ~1 hour.

  • Once dried, dump it all back in a giant bowl. For this I used a big foil turkey basting pan. Add all your other yummies to the mixture and stir until its mixed well.
  • Now it's time to make some kind of cute package to deliver your treat to you neighbors. We made Turkey Hand-print Bags {while the snack mix was baking} for each house we planned to deliver some fall love'n.
  • DELIVER your Thanksgiving Neighbor Love'n door to door or place in mailboxes.
  • Left overs can be stored in an air tight container for fresh snack'n!

How do you snazz up the classic Chex mix for different seasons? More fun recipes HERE!

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The Real Homemaker’s Challenge {Day 3}

I can remember my early dreams of being a house wife and stay-at-home-mom. They always included some cute dressed version of me sipping out of a mug while doing a bible study before anyone else in the house is up. Then I move on to ministering along side my husband in that same cute outfit with a glorious smile across my face. Again, that stylish version of me calmly playing with my fully dressed kids who are learning from my every word before I wistfully glide into the kitchen to pull that beautiful meal out of the oven and move it to the set table for dinner. Don't laugh; you know you have your own ideal picture of being a homemaker! ...... Keep reading on the Homemaker's Challenge today!

Miss one? Catch up here:

INTRO to Heart Issues Series


Here's the layout for the series {keep in mind, the link will not work until the post has been published}:



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The Real Homemaker’s Challenge {Day 2}

I think there's are trap I fall into many days, weeks, and even months; especially the Holiday months! Today I want to talk about Approval: I worrying about gaining the approval of men {or mainly women ;o)} rather than God. I am no longer being hospitable I'm hosting.

You know what I'm talking about, all those thoughts that creep up as we are preparing our homes for guest. I'm sharing more about that on the Homemaker's Challenge today as well as how to deal with it.

Miss day one? Catch up here:

INTRO to Heart Issues Series

Here's the layout for the series {keep in mind, the link will not work until the post has been published}:




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when the shiny wears off…

So, this past weekend we decided to stay in Vilonia! Yay for in-laws with a “summer home”. Bahahaha

We laughed, we played, we cried. When all the shiny of a new space and toys stopped distracting my littles from the reality of an overnighter in a different home, the tears set in. Well, at least with the 4-year-old.

A minimum of 3 rounds of this little number was belted out in a sorrowful little girl voice {imagine the cadence of Dori "speaking whale" on Nemo}:

I am very SAD. I just want To go HOme. But I caaaaan’t. It’s not really fair. I just want to go HOme but I CAn’t for a couple more days. I can’t have my own way or my own Bed. It’s making me feel like I want to go Out of this room and go see my MomMy. I just want to go Home” {continuing with some variation of the above}

I was quickly reminded that when the shiny of Church Planting begins to wear off, I may just wanna pack my crap and go home!

I don’t do well with change. I like my home. I don’t really wanna find a new home, sell ½ my junk, redecorate, pick new wall colors, reorganize a new space, find room for my growing kids stuff.

I don’t like not knowing the ins and outs of a new place. I liked that I finally found my way around town. I know people and places. I don’t have to always ask for directions or confess I have NO idea what/where someone is talking about.

I like thinking I know what I’m doing and where I’m going. I liked thinking Matt and I knew what we were doing in youth ministry. We knew how to draw a crowd. We were climbing ladders in youth organizations, camps, and making and name for ourselves around the state. {close friends-- stop laughing}

God’s asking me to put on my big girl panties and be willing to at least pull an overnighter. TRUST Him. He’s only got my best interest in mind. I can sing/cry all day long about how I just want to go home. I want my own bed. It’s just not fair. But what I consider home is wrenched. I Really don’t want to lie in the bed I’ve made myself. And I Reeeeally don’t want what’s FAIR. God’s so gracious.

Choosing to trust!

When I do…I think I gonna realized this new plan is way more glorious an adventure than what I had in mind could have ever been!

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The Real Homemaker’s Challenge {Day 1}

I love the Homemaker's Challenge. If I'm honest with myself, I enjoy homemaking more than mothering most days. {shhh, don't tell} My house doesn't talk back to me. It stays put. I get to choose who it looks and functions.

We talk a lot on the Homemaker's Challenge site about how to help homemaker's and their everyday challenges. We all need a little extra training in whatever job we have, right? Why not go to a friend and ask for suggestions, helpful hints, and encouragement in this some times mundane, self-sacrificing job. In this series I want to move past the practical helps and talk about the REAL Homemaker's Challenge: Approval, ComparisonEnvy, Idolatry, Materialism. Of course these sins creep up in many aspects of our life but here we are going to discover where they may be lurking as homemakers. Join me this week won't you?

Here's the layout for the series the rest of this week {keep in mind, the link will not work until the post has been published}:





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