Dear Test Baby,
Sorry, that God chose to let us test our parenting abilities out on you. I'm sorry you were given to us first. There's a lot of woes that comes with that.
You are teaching us to be parents while we're trying to teach you ... well, all kinds of things.
We had/have no idea what we're doing. We've read all kinds of books, articles, and blog posts trying to figure it out. We've watched moves and talked with friends, family, and random acquaintances about how to do this thing called parenting. We're really no closer to knowing the right way to do this.
Don't get me wrong. We know our job is to teach you about the One who loves you, made you, died for your mistakes, and wants to know you deeper than you could imagine but how we're supposed to do that is the part we struggle with. You are an individual. Though we like to say "She has your memory. She has your toes {poor girl}. She has your eyes. She has your OCD. She has your _____." you're not exactly like anyone. It might be way easier if you were. We'd know what worked and didn't work with that person and then we could create a formula for raising you in the love and admonition of the Lord but alas, you're not.
You probably bare the brunt of the harshest discipline. The highest expectations. The most rigid diet. The most delayed 'big kid' milestones.
Thanks for loving us through the growth pains. Know that we are constantly praying for guidance. Reading up on the best tactics, practices, safety issues, health promoting whatevers to try to do this thing called parenting the best for you.
Know that we love you more than you could imagine. We take delight in you. We pray you see, hear, and feel that! We are trying our hardest to train you in the ways of the Lord.
Oh my sweet Test Baby,
I'm so excited you were given to us first. That God chose to let you be our first love. The one that we experience all the first milestones with. The one who taught us how to love. How to become more self-less. The one who is continuing to teach us more and more about the character of God through innocent eyes. Showing us His heart as our heavenly father. There are so many blessing that come with being the test baby. We pray the blessings out number the woes.
We LOVE you!
your mommy {and daddy}
Linked to Dear First Born – An Apology @ the Bohemian Bowmans