Marshmallow Sticks {Thoughtful Thursday}

Today is thoughtful Thursday!

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Feel free share ANY thoughtfulness in the comment section or even add a link to a thoughtful post on your blog!

Today's thoughtfulness come from my 4-year-old. For snack one afternoon, we got a little creative. This was all her doing. Maggie wanted to make a snack using her new-found popsicle she searched the top shelf of the pantry where we keep our "snack" items she discovered the mini marshmallows!

If you would like to create this...snack, you'll need the following items:

  • Wooden craft popsicle sticks
  • mini marshmallows

Here's are the directions. Make sure you pay close attention, you don't wanna mess this up ;o)

  1. Pock the mini marshmallows on the popsicle sticks {as many as you'd like}
  2. Place sticks on a microwave-safe dish & Microwave for ~5 seconds
  3. Place dish with sticks into the refrigerator for a few seconds to cool quickly
  4. EAT and Repeat!

Do you have any thoughtfulness to share today?!?

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Storm Were Made to Sleep Through

The life of a Christian isn't perfect, uncomplicated, or stress-less yet it comes with so much peace.

Like a small child promised a lollypop, I sit waiting. Many days turn into pouting. Wining. Sulking. Complaining. Most of the time I'd rather be ask to accomplish something weird to 'earn' the sucker than to simply wait. Suddenly, God treats me like the child I am...

Can you remember the end of summer. Pouting because you can no longer stay up late, swim all day, travel to fun places. Then you go to school that first week. You're either re-antiquated with friends you've missed all summer or meet new friends you never knew you could love so much in just a few short days. Yeah, that's me. God shows me much grace as I sulked in the corner waiting to head to Vilonia, the promised lollypop. He scooped me up and placed me among sweet sweet people. Helping me endure the wait. Showing me He's there. Already. He's here. With me. He knows my woos. He knows His plan. It makes me smile watching all that he is orchestrating!

Our future sponsor church we've been attending has welcomed us in to their family! From being a part of a fun D-Group {discussion group} to having lunch dates, we have been gitty little kids with Friends again! It may sound silly but simple texts, emails, and Facebook "likes" can make us walk around with goofy grins. It's weird being in no ones world. It makes our world more self-involved. Blluack! No one needs more of that.

For me, it's always been easier to step out onto the water and walk to Jesus. It's like an adventure.Many people have been worried for us in this new season. "Where will you get money?" "You know you have kids right? What are they gonna do?" "How will you start?" "When will you go?" "Why would you do that?" We may sound odd but those have never been our concern. Satan knows that. He knows we deal better with quick, in-your-face-stress. Maybe that's why we're waiting. Why doesn't really matter, though.

I'm learning to sleep. Not the kind of lame "sleep" everyone tries to feed singles about "Adam had to fall asleep before he got Eve." I don't think that's really how God works. I do think He wants me to learn to rely on Him in all things and learn to sleep through the storm until the wind runs out of breath and Jesus calms the storm. Jesus is my perfect example in Mark {4:35-41}.

Late that day he said to them, "Let's go across to the other side."
They took him in the boat as he was. Other boats came along. A huge storm came up. Waves poured into the boat, threatening to sink it. And Jesus was in the stern, head on a pillow, sleeping!
They roused him, saying, "Teacher, is it nothing to you that we're going down?"
Awake now, He told the wind to pipe down and said to the sea, "Quiet! Settle down!"
The wind ran out of breath; the sea became smooth as glass.
Jesus reprimanded the disciples: "Why are you such cowards? Don't you have any faith at all?"
They were in absolute awe, staggered. "Who is this, anyway?" they asked. "Wind and sea at his beck and call!"

That's my prayer today. Thanks for the glimpses of what's to come: Health. Revival. MY generation seeking HIS face, the God of Jacob!

Deep Breaths. Patients. Eye on the Prize. Steady. Remember the mile markers on our way to the finish line. Storms were made to sleep through. Relax. Enjoy the thunder knowing Who's in charge of it all. The joy comes in the morning. It Is Coming!

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Notes from the Teacher’s Desk {homework helps}

So yesterday, I share some super helpful hints from "The Teacher" on how to have a successful school year.

Today our bonafide teacher who’s working in the ‘trenches’ will be sharing some fun homework helps!

Megan lives in Raleigh, NC where is she is beginning her 10th year of teaching elementary school. She is very involved with her church family at North Wake Church. She continues to strive towards using her singleness to the glory of God, while looking forward with hope of someday being a wife and a mommy. She’s also my beautiful sister-in-law! I know, I scored all the way around ;o) She blogs over at “Lady In Waiting”.


I’ve heard through the grapevine how difficult getting homework completed may be after a busy day. Here a few tips that can help:

  1. Set a timer to help your child stay focused on the task at hand.
  2. Give them a brain break before jumping into the homework assignments can help some kids. Let them ride their bike, watch one TV show, have a snack or do their chores.
  3. Do you have a child who wants to ask 5,000 questions about the work and have you nearly do it for them? Give him/her 3 post-it notes with a question mark on it representing the number of questions they're allowed to ask during a homework session. When they ask the question, a post-it note gets taken and when they are out of post-it notes they are not longer allowed to ask questions. This seems to really help them decide if the question is worth asking or if it’s a delay tactic.
  4. Chunk the work: Break the homework down into small sets of work time and let them choose which item they will complete in which order and then give a short break between tasks.
  5. Does your child struggle academically? If your child is becoming frustrated with homework to the point of breaking down, contact your child’s teacher quickly and discuss what you can do to help. There’s nothing that breaks my heart more than to find out a student is melting down over homework which is meant to be reinforcement and practice, not stressful.
  6. Check over the homework for completion. I have had many conversations where the parents’ were unaware that their child was turning in incomplete assignments and claiming they were finished at home.
  7. Help your child learn independence- have your child pack up their school materials and returning them to school daily. It will save a headache for a teacher when they go to start Math and someone doesn’t have their book or homework.

Praying for fun, save, and successful school years for all my mommies out there!
If you have questions for "The Teacher" , ask away in the comment section below. We'll find some answers ;o)

For more back to school helps, hit up these awesome blog posts:


Other posts that may help with going back to school:

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Notes from the Teacher’s Desk {working With a teacher}

I know there are an infant number of schooling options out there today, so I want to encourage those sending kids back to school this month. Since I currently homeschool my preschooler(s) and would be of no use to you, I went to someone who would be a better resource for Christian mommies utilizing the public school system.

Today I have a bonafide teacher who’s working in the ‘trenches’. Megan lives in Raleigh, NC where is she is beginning her 10th year of teaching elementary school. She is very involved with her church family at North Wake Church. She continues to strive towards using her singleness to the glory of God, while looking forward with hope of someday being a wife and a mommy. She’s also my beautiful sister-in-law! I know, I scored all the way around ;o) She blogs over at “Lady In Waiting”.


Well I don’t know about you all, but this summer sure did fly by and now it’s time once again for the little people in your life to return to school.  The beginning of a new school year can bring many challenges that you maybe didn’t expect or maybe you expect them to work out a little differently than they did.  I want to be the first to tell you that I don’t have children of my own, but I have taught for 9 years and I have experienced many of these challenges first-hand on the school side of things. I wanted to provide a little window into the world of a teacher and how you as a parent you can help your child navigate through the school year.

  1. WE are a TEAM:  As a teacher, I want your support and your input. Working together to build strong two-way communication is key to helping your child succeed. You know your child in a way that his/her teacher does not. Keep in mind that your child is one of 26 or more in a class room and a teacher may not be able to respond to your communication as quick as you would like.  This doesn’t mean the teacher is ignoring you or that they don’t want to respond. It just may mean that there are situations out of our control. Most teachers will get in touch with you as soon as possible and if for some reason it hasn’t happened, be patient and reach out to them again. To be honest, if they’re like me, they may have just thought about needing to do it so much that they actually thought I did it already J! I have found that a quick email is much easier for me to respond to in a timely manner than a phone call during the day.
  2. ASK QUESTIONS:  I had a colleague in my early years of teaching who would say, “I’ll believe half of what they say about home, if you’ll believe half of what you hear about school.”  I always laughed about this, but in some ways it’s true. Many times situations get reported through a child’s perspective and it can be slightly off-base from the actual events.  Please feel free to call your child’s teacher and ask to clarify something. Then, if you are displeased with the response go to an administrator After contacting the teacher. But I promise you, most of the time, there’s a good explanation for some situation that seems strange and if you ask questions, you may find out the rest of the story.
    Also, if you don’t understand a teacher’s expectations, ASK.  Teachers would love to help clarify when we weren’t clear to you or your child. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve gotten questions about homework because we are no longer teaching things the way you and I learned them.
  3. PARENT CONFERENCES:  I know you want to know how your child is doing, and teacher would love the opportunity to discuss this with you. Don’t be afraid to ask for a parent teacher conference, outside of the ones that may need to occur around report card time.  Schedule a time where you and your child’s teacher can come together to work together on helping your child succeed. Teachers will appreciate your intentionality; not trying to get all the one-on-one information in at Open House or some other evening event. Again, ask questions. Education has its own language and if teachers aren’t careful, we can slip into using jargon others don’t use and understand. We use this lingo with our colleagues and we sometimes forget that others don’t use those same terms!  If your child’s teacher is sharing information with you and begins using terms that are unfamiliar, ASK! I promise they don’t mean to confuse parents.
  4. VOLUNTEER, GET INVOLVED:  If you are choosing to send your child to school, being visible and present is one great way to have a successful year. I know this might be difficult especially if you work outside the home or have smaller ones at home. I’ve know some mom’s to find another fellow mom who is willing to trade off childcare so that they can both volunteer at their children’s school. It’s a huge blessing to teachers to have volunteers who are consistent in coming and who don’t mind doing things like cutting paper or making copies. These tasks may seem small, but to us as teachers, they are time-saving treasures.
    Field trips are something that is very stressful for teachers, so if you can commit to chaperone you soon become one of our BFFs!


I hope these where helpful hints for having a successful new school year! If you’re a parent who has some fun ways you get involved or a teacher who has a few tricks up your sleeve, share away in the comment section below!

Come back tomorrow for 7 Homework Helps from the Teacher's Desk!

For more back to school helps, hit up these awesome blog posts:


Other posts that may help with going back to school:

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5 Days of Organizing & Cleaning Kids Toys in Centers: Sanitizing

This week there are tons of ladies in this group talking about cleaning. I'm thinking for the good stuff, you may need to hit up their blog. I'm more of a tidy girl than a clean one ;O)

I will tell you real simply how I clean the different kinds of toys we have. Some of this comes from years of work in daycares, preschools, and elementary schools, others come from trial and error.

Plastic Toys

{containing no tiny holes where water can seep in and STAY}

Begin running warm-scalding hot water into your bathtub mixing in about 1 cup of bleach. Sometimes I don't have pure bleach so I use some sort of cleaning spray I have that contains bleach or claims to kill lots of germs. Then fill you tube with all your plastic toys. Cover all your toys with water...unless you put giant stuff in there. Then you might want to let the little stuff soak and then rinse the larger items by dumping your water/bleach mixture over them. Let your toys soak for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour. I've totally been known to forget toys or run out of time and leave them over night. After they've soaked, drain the water/bleach mixture and then rinse the toys with plain water. The hotter the water the better. Lay out on a towel or occasionally giggle them around int the tube making sure there is no standing water and let them air dry. I do this every few months or more often during cold/flu season or if we had tons of kids over for a party.

NOTE: after a doll baptism int the toilet, I did my own little "cleansing" service and dunked those babies in the sink with water and bleach. Word to the wise- Hot Glue Those Tiny Holes Shut. If you're like me and didn't have this thought until your trying to figure out how to help that hard shelled plastic baby pee- wrap her in a towel and pillow case and sacrifice her to the drier for a few minutes. Evaporates all that out of there!

Fabric Toys:

I know most dolls/stuffed animals ask that you not through them in the washer...but I do. Yep, if they don't have mechanical stuff in them they get chunked in the washer with the nightly load. Often I'll hang them on the "line" to dry or lay them on top of the warm drier to dry instead of sentencing them to the heat box.

Not comfortable with this idea. Hit up Pinterest! they have a ridiculous number of different ways to clean toys! Even how to detangle doll hair! For Real!!! Check out my board- I pinned it!

NOTE: Those baptized babies above...fabric ones, even with plastic head- washer! No drier. Ready to rock 1.5 days later. Good as new.

Shelves/Quick De-Germing:

If you have company coming and your afraid your littles snots will get passed to your friends littles {or vise-versa after they leave ;O), Grab a can of descent smelling Lysol. Hose those bad boys down. I am serious! This was a common practice when I worked at a preschool. During story time, my job would be to Kill Germs! Along with door knobs, toilet seats, and sink knobs, I would walk by shelves of toys and just spray. At my own house, I've often dumped tubs of toys on to a rug, sprayed the pile down and moved to the next tub. By the time I'd done all the toys and made my rounds through the house {during cold/flu season}, all the toys were dry and I simply put them back into the appropriate tub.

Ugg, I knew I would run out of time. Stop back in soon. I'll work up an entire post on "Labeling & Helping Your Child Move Around in Centers" including some FREE Printables!!!
This is final day of this series but if you missed any of the days you can find them here:

Monday: 5 Days of Organizing & Cleaning TOYS into Centers: Selecting
Tuesday 5 Days of Organizing & Cleaning TOYS into Centers: Dramatic Play
Wednesday was 5 Days of Organizing & Cleaning TOYS into Centers: Manipulitives
Thursday: 5 Days of Organizing & Cleaning TOYS into Centers: Reading

edited repost

This post series is linked to 21 other lovely ladies doing a variety of tops for the 5 day series on organizing and cleaning.

Just when you thought the giveaways where over...We’re also going to be having several giveaways that begin on the 1st day of the series and end on Saturday, the 25th of August. Winners will be announced on Sunday the 26th.

Click the footer below to find all the topics,links to each, as well as a list of all the giveaways and more Rafflecopters!

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