The Olympics are Starting

My husband once called me un-American... I wasn't as excited as he was that the summer Olympics were starting. {It doesn't help that I don't like Apple Pie...} We'd been married almost 4 years and we had just had our 1st child. Call me crazy but it wasn't on the top of "Woo Hoo" list.

It did end up being super fun watching Him watch the Olympics. We were full force Team Phelps! Remembering that summer gets me excited for this years games. We don't have TV but we'll possibly be setting up some "viewing" parties elsewhere or over the net. I can't wait to introduce them to The Games!

Another thing I'm super excited about it THIS:

The What's in the Bible people are so clever and creative. They have this fun pack for families to utilize during the Olympics. The pack includes an activity for each day of the Olympics including coloring pages, Olympic Bingo, verses, an Interview Your Parents sheet, make your own medals, and so much more.

Not only are they giving away this pack F.R.E. E. but we're also giving away a Gold, Silver, and Bronze prize which includes the entire Old Testament set from What's in the Bible?, a portable DVD player, an outdoor game set, and a $25 gas card.
Everyone can enter to win and get their INSTANT download here:

I've already downloaded mine and have printed some of the funness already ;o) ENJOY!


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A Red Box Coupon Code and Movie Reviews

Hey, I just got a coupon code for $.50 off at the Red Box! {I think only 1 person may be able to use it: move fast!} We're not using it so I thought I'd share the code:

Rent Two Get 50 Cents Off

RENT ANY 2 at a time & get a 50 cents off your total rental when you use this code* online or at the kiosk:


Promo Code Expires: 07/22/2012 11:59 p.m. CT

I know we don't have TV but we do enjoy a movie here and there. Especially when it's $1.oo {and some change}. That stretches out Dave Entertainment budget pretty far!

Here is a list of some that Matt and I have watched fairly recently out of the Red Box.

These are not necessarily recommend but here's our review for what it's worth. Keep in mind that we don't do rated R movies and try to avoid PG13 recently.

Of course it still has "worldly" views and lifestyles but over all good. LOTS of big names.

A little cheesy to begin with but we really got into it toward the end. LOVE the ending.

  Adam Sandler often walks the line of inappropriate. There are lots of funnies in this one but of course lots of the "adult humor" and inu-windows you come to expect with Mr Sandlwer.

  This again is a "worldly" look at what makes a women feel accomplished but the ending in this one I think we could all take away something.

Like the idea of this man "bettering himself" and who can resist Julia and Tom in a movie Together?!?

  When this one started I wasn't sure if we would finish it. I'm really glad we did. I love movies that have conections throughout and this has an ending we can glean from.

  To quote Matt, "Angry secular girl, sob fest." We thought this one was going to be funnier than it was. This was listed under Comedy and Drama. I chose it from the "Comedy" section. I'm not sure why it was catagorized as that other than haveing Kate's name in the credits. I don't regret having seen it but I'm not one who chooses a movie to cry through.

To be honest, I don't remember anything about this movie. I slept through it the 1st time we rented it and then I borrowed it from the library for my hubs forgetting we'd "seen" it. He watched it again while I slept again, so it must be a good man movie.

This one was funny. I loved hearing Hiegl's accent. It was a cute movie.

Drama! Again, have to be honest. We rented this one bc we had a free coupon code and we'd seen everyting else. It ended up being really good but definately NOT a comedy and Hanks is not really a lead in the movie.

Two movies we enjoyed and would watch with our kids are:

This was over all cute. I mean who wouldn't want to buy a Zoo?!?

I think this one would be better for older children just so it would be easier to follow.

Movies we LOVED and HIGHLY Recommend:

I think EVERYONE should see this one!

Saw this on Valentine's Day. Usually we don't like movies with our a cute, neat, and tighty bow at the end that wraps up all loose ends. Even though this one's bow didn't wrap everything up I loved it.

Saw this one on a date night. Not your typical CHEESY Christian film. GREAT movie!

We Red Boxed The Help but saw The Vow and Courageous in the theater {RARE for us} and they were both more than worth it!

Ones I'm awaiting in the Red Box:

My parents already bought this one so we've seen it and and it was cute.

Heard it was good.

Looks like a fun one for "Cartoon Saturdays."

 not an affiliate just a fan

Remember, just because it's a Dollar
doesn't mean it's "worth it"!

Do you have any recommends?

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Working up some "REALness" posts for ya, hopefully come'n atcha Monday! But for now, here are some fun resent pictures:

Have a great weekend. Go have some fun on It's free and a fun waist of time ;o)

Not an affiliate, just a fan

New obsession for my kids:LeapFrog Enterprises Inc.

Mags got the Leap Frog pin thing that helps her read books and some "tag" books. Now EVERY book must have a {pretend} pen to help read it. We are ALL Love'n It! {affiliate link}

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Laundry Detergent Recipe {Thoughtful Thursday}

Today is thoughtful Thursday so feel free LINK UP share ANY thoughtfulness!

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Have a fun recipe? A tool you love? Please share by commenting with a link to your post about your thoughtfulness! Then post the “Thoughtful Thursday” button to your post so other ladies can get lots of thoughtful helps! I know I've been sharing a lot of recipes lately but ANYthing thoughtful is welcome! Consider visiting the link above yours and encouraging them through comments!

Homemade Laundry Detergent Recipe {adapted from the Duggars for sensitive skin}

My recipe is based of the Duggar Family Recipe found on

Grate bar of soap into a saucepan with the warm water. Stir continually {don't let it burn on the bottom of the pan} over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted.

Fill up a 5 gallon tub half full of hot tap water then add the melted soap, washing soda and Borax. Mix it really well until all powder is dissolved. After that, fill the tub to top with more hot water. Stir, cover and let sit overnight to thicken.

In the morning, stir and fill a used, clean, laundry soap dispenser half full with your homemade laundry detergent and diluted it more by filling the rest of way with water. Shake before each use {bummer}. It will gel- how cool, huh?!

You have the option to add 10-15 drops of essential oil per 2 gallons. Add once soap has cooled. Ideas: lavender, rosemary, tea tree oil. I didn't use anything extra. The Dove has minimal smell but the "no smell" is okay with me. I've been using this for detergent for about 2 weeks now. Works for me!

Yield: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons.

  • Top Load Machine- 5/8 Cup per load (Approx. 180 loads)
  • Front Load Machines- ¼ Cup per load (Approx. 640 loads)
*Arm & Hammer "Super Washing Soda" - in some stores or may be purchased online here (at Baking Soda will not work, nor will Arm & Hammer Detergent - It must be sodium carbonate!!


In the mood for some "summer cleaning"? Here's a great book to help get you and your house ready before jumping back into the swing of things this fall:

31 Days to Clean 

Try the code SPRING to get 50% off {PDF only}

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I haven't written something real in a long time.

I don't really know why. My girls are finally getting the hang of sharing a room so I've got consistent time when they're in be to "write". I've been working here and there on my 20 Days of Giveaways. That's a bigger undertaking than I wanted to believe but isn't really taking that much time. I've been working here and there on baby shower stuff I get to help host for my awesome long-awaited-mommy-to-be friend up in Fayetteville. But since it's not in August, I have plenty of time to take care of that stuff. I've been traveling a little more than normal... I'm not really sure why I've been avoiding REALness and posting mainly pictures with minimal story behind them, info about new advertisers, and lots of how-tos.

I feel kind of jaded right now. I keep waiting for "something amazing I guess"-The Incredible. I feel slightly empty. Exhausted. Lifeless. I don't feel present in most of what I'm doing. Maybe lack of purpose is the culprit. Ya know, real purpose! The good stuff. Eternal stuff. I keep focusing on there here and now. Accomplishing something just to get some kind of shot of "productivity" as though "accomplishment" is my addiction. This waiting game sitting in a house for sale while anticipating a move to being a new work in a new town- ugg! More hanging out with my Maker would prolly help me figure out what's "broken".

I really enjoy that God's giving me the chance to help {minimally} supplement my families income and still vow that I won't share, promote, or advertise anything that I don't advocate. I even noticed I hadn't been there for my kids. I mean, I'm here in the house with them nearly 24/7 or at least around them All The Time but lacking that life-giving presence. I tried "playing" more but some how I even seemed to pervert that by turning them all into posts or photo opps. I have an unfounded fear that I'm gonna need all these pictures someday to remember things. All the way through school my crutch was that I have a terrible memory. I even have a hard time remembering names of people I see often. I could be staring at a familiar face with complete confusion because I have no idea what their name is or where I should remember them from. Maybe that's where the fearful need to take pictures comes from. Who knows. I vividly remember my mom telling me in high school to put the camera down and "live" the moments I was trying to capture. Yeah, its been an obsession for that long. {ca-bang! shot that random rabbit I was chasing... hehe}

Oh no, I think this confession post is leading me to a camera fast...let's not be hasty here. Hmmm

Okay, currently I just want a little more accountability to LIVE. I lover writing. I truly believe it's my outlet. Writing things is a way I dump out all that's floating in my head. Getting it out sometimes helps me sot through the junk that's been building up in there. I don't want to be a "how-to" blog {even though I love sharing what I'm learning in practical realms and won't stop those}. I want to be a transparent life for fellow Christ-followers as well as yet-to-follow-Christ readers to relate to, learn from, be encouraged by, grow with.

Will you help me in this by "joining the conversation" on posts? I have  hard time putting myself out there and never knowing if it reaches anyone. I have trouble continuing down that path feeling very selfish and one-sided. It's weird for me when friends/people walk up to me and talk about something they read months ago on my blog and I had no idea they were even readers. It's awkward for stalkers others to know everything about me and my family and me to know nothing of importance about them. I would love to actually build relationships!

How can we build a relationship you ask?

I'm smiling even thinking that you might have asked that! Here are some options to help start building our relationship:

  • leave comments in the easy to use Facebook comment thingy or under the "join the conversation" section
  • comment or message me on Facebook
  • email me at Jules at as Jules is going dot com


Here's the scary part- Publish. My hubs reads this thing and when he hears this, he'll keep me accountable. Accountability can be scary... Well, Here's to being REAL!

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