My Laundry Room Smells Like Poop {Thoughtful Thursday}
Today is thoughtful Thursday so feel free to share ANY thoughtfulness!
Have a fun recipe? A tool you love? A how-to you wanna share? Link up your post about your thoughtfulness HERE on asJulesisgoing! Then post the “Thoughtful Thursday” button to your post so other ladies can get lots of thoughtful helps! I know I've been sharing a lot of recipes lately but ANYthing thoughtful is welcome! Consider being even more thoughtful by visiting the link above yours and encouraging them through comments!
I walked into my laundry room today after several days of my drier being broke and was almost knocked on my butt by the smell of poop!
Does your laundry room ever smell like "code brown"? Wanna know why? And how to get rid of the feces stench?
Your front loader is to blame! Yeppers. These little boogers are a life save in the world of dirty laundry from oodles of blessings running around. BUT there is a #1 rule I didn't couldn't stick to the past couple days:
Air out the washer by leaving the door open
When the heating coil went out on our drier all of a sudden I left loads of wet laundry in the washer until I had time to pull them out and hang them to dry. #FAIL Leaving the wet clothing in the washer added to the moister inside the washer and of course, the door was shut for longer than normal resulting in STANK!
Even when you do move laundry quickly and air out the washer, there are still lots of places that hold moister and result in mold and mildew. These places should get cleaned out every once in a while to avoid the smell of a diaper gene in your laundry room.
The Door
The Detergent Tray
The Gasket {apparently what this rubber stuff is called}
I just used some multipurpose cleaning spray, warm water, and a washcloth to wipe down each of these. I didn't really take that long and if I did it more often I bet it would take even less time. I think ran a "santize" cycle with nothing but white vinegar in it to make sure the parts I couldn't get to will be cleaned as well.
Now I just have to remember to do this ~once a month to keep the poo smell away. Does your laundry room stink?
Playing Grocery Store
Quote Source
I. Am. Terrible. at playing with my kids!
There...I said it. I am a stay-at-home-mom. I am better {ahem...not good} at being the stay-at-home-wife who cooks and cleans and attempts to manage the house. I used to be okay at being a play-at-home-mom when it was just me and Mags. I could finish all my cleaning while she napped and then do cooking with ease. Two more babies later. I use nap time for sit-on-my-booty time and cook and clean sporadically and ask entirely too much of my poor hubby! I'm supposed to be his help-meet, not him chasing me around putting out fires and picking up my slack. Anybody else have this problem? Uggg Mom guilt much today? That's a entirely different post in itself.
Anyways, besides from my well stocked Pinterest board of my kids, I actually been trying to really be present with my kids. Introducing them to simple pretend games I played when I was kids or even doing some of those fun things I've pinned.
The other day, Maggie {4} came in to the room and told me she was going to go to the grocery store and that she would see me later. Duh! Why haven't we done this sooner?
I set up a grocery store for my little girl. I got off my tooshy and went into our playroom and grabbed all her pretend food in her kitchen. I scooched the preschool chairs around the room and placed different food groups in each chair.
Then I added snack, boxed, and canned food in the center on the preschool table. We used baby strollers and small baskets for charts and holding groceries.
I left her oven and sink cleared so it could be used as a "check out" with an old brown paper bag. I was the 'checker' {beeping sound included ;O)}
This is very similar to how most grocery stores are set up: real food and a check out around the outer walls and junk/processed foods in the center aisles.
Maggie drove her groceries home and put them away in her {now} kitchen. This game cleans up itself ;o)
This was a great chance to teach opportunity and tons of fun!
Lessons learned:
- How to make a shopping cart so we could move on to learning to grocery shop
- You don't have to buy Everything at the store.
- All about Food Groups! This was the funnest and we are still working more with this one.
Now Maggie comes into the room and tells me, "I need to go to the grocery store but it's not open yet." {hint hint} Love It!
I'm trying to pretend {or at least participate} a little more with my kids everyday. What's your favorite pretend play to do with your children?
Custom Signs {COOL!}
I just found this awesome site that lets you customize signs.
I've always thought custom signs were so fun. lets you make all kinds of stuff.
Street Signs
What is this??? What would this be used for? Crack'n me up!
Road Signs
How funny would this sign be to put up in your house! "Under Construction" rather than, "I haven't gotten to cleaning this week". hehehe
My favorite: Traffic Signs
You could make these say ANYTHING! These would be fun for your house for your kids door, laundry room, or in the garage. Anybody would think one of these would be cool for their birthday or even house warming gift. If you love doing over the top parties you could make something to go with your theme. You could give these as a cute wedding, gift with the couples last name on it.
The asJulesisgoing sign I made at the top would be about $20 before tax and shipping. That's pretty affordable. Some of these signs can be as much a $100 though. WOW! These people even have all the 'accessories' available for hanging the signs as well.
These would be really funny for some practical jokes or a prank war...just say'n. Which kind of sign would you make?
This Home runs on LOVE
You ever have those days where you just need a drink? Happy Hour can't get here soon enough? I DO!
If you're my Facebook 'friend', "like" asJulesisgoing's FB page, follow me on twitter {@julesrothacher}, or instagram {julesrothacher}, then you know I LOVE me some Sonic Happy Hour {7-9am & 2-4pm 1/2 price drinks and slushes then after 8pm 1/2 price shakes}!!! Vanilla Dr Pepper to be exact. I know, as a Christian we are trained to say, when you're having a bad day you just need to 'press into God' more, study the Bible more, or pray more. I would agree! But God also made this world 'GOOD'. I believe that means He created things like soda to enjoy and He enjoys watching His children enjoy the simple things in life, like a discounted amazing Vanilla Dr Pepper with some really cool tiny cubed ice ;o)
Here's some fun Subway Art I just made and hung in my house:
If your a Sonic lover, here's the FREE PRINTABLE:
This Home runs on LOVE LAUGHTER and lots of SONIC Happy Hour Drinks
I've also found other awesomeness on Pinterest {of course}.
Cherry Limeade Sugar Cookies
Cherry Limeade Cupcakes
Copycat Recipes: Sonic Drive-In Cherry Limeade Drink Recipe
Am I the only one who loves this joint {even after having Car Hopped there}? Comment and tell me your favorite Sonic drink!