I haven't been writing much lately. Not for lack of fun stories, interesting thoughts {or at least to me}, or helpful how-tos...we've been a lil busy. lol I honestly had to go back and look at my instagram to remember what all we'd been doing. {btw: sorry if you follow my instagram via my FB page- its gonna double up}
- Shortly before mother's day we found out our #4 is coming to round out the family! Eeeek
Rothacher' Harlem Shake Video {announcement}
- Saw a Bunch of former students graduate down in Parker's Chapel.
- Went on an awesome day of adventure to Magic Springs water and amusement part with some great friends.
- Celebrated our 9th anniversary!!!
- Moved the rest of stuff out in 2 days {boooo}
- We FINALLY sold our house, "Big Blue"! I'll be doing a follow-up post on the Homemaker's Challenge scheduled for July.
note to self: put the memory card in the camera so you can have that "last day in front of our house when we sold it" picture - Had our 1st block party for the Vilonia community. {the night after 'closing' in White Hall}
- Valley Groups have launched! Our ultimate goal and entry point for our church.
- Started potty training our 2.5 year old, Jamin. Yay for new-to-us underroos!
- We had our long-awaited 1st ultrasound. Baby #4 is due December 24th {but we will likely meet him/her closer to Dec 10th via c-section; entirely different post}
- Had an awesome Girls Night Out in Little Rock where we went and saw Steel Magnolia's at Murray's Dinner Theater
- Hosted our daughters big 'o 5th birthday party at the park {the next morning after our GNO}
- We made an offer on a house in Vilonia! After a year of searching {and waiting to sell}, we made an offer at 3:30pm, received a counter-0ffer {of exactly what we were looking for} at 5:30pm, and accepted at 6:00pm. Did I mention this was the same day as the ultrasound? Busy day 😉
Now we are moving on to the "Honey-Do" list that we are hoping to accomplish before my sweet hubs leaves for Super Summer for a week and a 1/2; leaving me to single-parent {unskillfully} while he's gone.
- Sign papers & turn them into the bank for our loan- check
- Wii & DVD player hooked up correctly and ready to rock way too much screen time- check
- Remove the giant wad of plastic wrap that I tried to use to help the bathtub water leak out slower but may or may not have gone down the drain before I could snag it possibly causing slow drainage and a pretty good clog- check
- Go to SAMs Club as a family to get TP & other much-needed essentials so I don't pass out from loading, pushing, and unloading all that stuff by myself- check
- Stalk up on simple foods & snacks for the prego & kids at said club- check {but may need a couple things a the big WM, ugg}
- Catchup on the dishes, laundry, and big cleaning around the house- 1/2 check
- Bring in our microwave from big blue because our current one got tired and doesn't heat any more- Wednesday
- Baby pool, weighing way more than I should lift, dumped and refilled with clean water for scorching days- Wednesday
- Collect tax return papers after the bank makes copies- Wednesday
- Home inspection complete on our New House {within 10 days with the hubs being gone 7 of those days}- Thursday
- Mow the jungle- maybe not...
- A thousand other random things my hubs will do because he's so good at taking care of me- CHECK

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