I haven't written something real in a long time.
I don't really know why. My girls are finally getting the hang of sharing a room so I've got consistent time when they're in be to "write". I've been working here and there on my 20 Days of Giveaways. That's a bigger undertaking than I wanted to believe but isn't really taking that much time. I've been working here and there on baby shower stuff I get to help host for my awesome long-awaited-mommy-to-be friend up in Fayetteville. But since it's not in August, I have plenty of time to take care of that stuff. I've been traveling a little more than normal... I'm not really sure why I've been avoiding REALness and posting mainly pictures with minimal story behind them, info about new advertisers, and lots of how-tos.
I feel kind of jaded right now. I keep waiting for "something amazing I guess"-The Incredible. I feel slightly empty. Exhausted. Lifeless. I don't feel present in most of what I'm doing. Maybe lack of purpose is the culprit. Ya know, real purpose! The good stuff. Eternal stuff. I keep focusing on there here and now. Accomplishing something just to get some kind of shot of "productivity" as though "accomplishment" is my addiction. This waiting game sitting in a house for sale while anticipating a move to being a new work in a new town- ugg! More hanging out with my Maker would prolly help me figure out what's "broken".
I really enjoy that God's giving me the chance to help {minimally} supplement my families income and still vow that I won't share, promote, or advertise anything that I don't advocate. I even noticed I hadn't been there for my kids. I mean, I'm here in the house with them nearly 24/7 or at least around them All The Time but lacking that life-giving presence. I tried "playing" more but some how I even seemed to pervert that by turning them all into posts or photo opps. I have an unfounded fear that I'm gonna need all these pictures someday to remember things. All the way through school my crutch was that I have a terrible memory. I even have a hard time remembering names of people I see often. I could be staring at a familiar face with complete confusion because I have no idea what their name is or where I should remember them from. Maybe that's where the fearful need to take pictures comes from. Who knows. I vividly remember my mom telling me in high school to put the camera down and "live" the moments I was trying to capture. Yeah, its been an obsession for that long. {ca-bang! shot that random rabbit I was chasing... hehe}
Oh no, I think this confession post is leading me to a camera fast...let's not be hasty here. Hmmm
Okay, currently I just want a little more accountability to LIVE. I lover writing. I truly believe it's my outlet. Writing things is a way I dump out all that's floating in my head. Getting it out sometimes helps me sot through the junk that's been building up in there. I don't want to be a "how-to" blog {even though I love sharing what I'm learning in practical realms and won't stop those}. I want to be a transparent life for fellow Christ-followers as well as yet-to-follow-Christ readers to relate to, learn from, be encouraged by, grow with.
Will you help me in this by "joining the conversation" on posts? I have hard time putting myself out there and never knowing if it reaches anyone. I have trouble continuing down that path feeling very selfish and one-sided. It's weird for me when friends/people walk up to me and talk about something they read months ago on my blog and I had no idea they were even readers. It's awkward for stalkers others to know everything about me and my family and me to know nothing of importance about them. I would love to actually build relationships!
How can we build a relationship you ask?
I'm smiling even thinking that you might have asked that! Here are some options to help start building our relationship:
- leave comments in the easy to use Facebook comment thingy or under the "join the conversation" section
- comment or message me on Facebook
- email me at Jules at as Jules is going dot com
Here's the scary part- Publish. My hubs reads this thing and when he hears this, he'll keep me accountable. Accountability can be scary... Well, Here's to being REAL!

I am so happy to read this girl!!! The best part about blogging to me is the new friends…the REAL friends I’ve met!!! I can’t wait to read more!!!
Thanks for reading {and ‘commenting”} Kelly! I would totally agree. Look forward to getting to know you ;o)
Bring it!! I love your realness! Wish I could sell a house with a wave of my wand! May you find real relationships here!!
Thanks Meg! If you find that wand, hook a girl up! Never thought just waiting would be that hard.
I honestly cannot remember how I stumbled across your blog but I am glad that I did! I find that I relate to your “real-ness” (is that a word?) 🙂 I look forward to getting to know you better and hope that maybe I can at least be a prayer warrior for you as your family plants a church and serves the Kingdom! 🙂
Well Lia, I am super glad you stumbled my way!!! I’m pretty sure “real-ness” is Not a word, but I tend to do that. Make up a word for what I’m trying to describe. Thanks for reaching and am I’m excited to get to know You better, too! And we can’ have too many prayer warriors, Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!
surrounding ourselves with like people that love the Lord and will help to sharpen/build helps is soooo many wonderful ways.
Keep your eyes on the prize, keep being real and keep serving HIM
Marie, thank you so much for the encouragement! I totally agree. Some times its easier to find/surround ourselves with “like-minded” people when we choose the content of what we write and read. So glad you’re here Marie!