On Fridays over here a group of people who love to throw caution to the wind and just write gather to share what five minutes buys them. Just five minutes. Unscripted. Unedited. Real.
Your words. This shared feast.
If you have five minutes, we have a writing challenge <—click to tweet this!
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking 2. Link back at the gypsy mamma and invite others to join in. 3. Please visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments.
Please give me your best five minutes on:
Many of you know that Sunday is our last day in our current position as youth minister at our current church. {sniff sniff} We are transitioning into Church planting. We will be planting in about 1.5 hours away from where we currently live. Already understanding why I need some perspective??? Yeah, but with this transition come less fear about what God has for us there and more emotions during this new adventure like most would guess. I trust where we're going and what God has for us.
Some days I just want to cry because there are hurtful people in our current church. They don't understand God's grand plan. They treat church like a country club. They pay their dues {"tithes"} and expect everyone who attends to do so as well. They also the expect "dress code" and "quality service" that meets their expectations. They will complain until they are up to par.
It's so sad; these people will say to your face {and worse behind your back}, "I know what you're trying to teach us. To be disciples and make disciples. We're just not what we're looking for." They don't see a single problem with that statement. They hate us for attempting to teach this and not producing more country club youth group. They've even tried to chump up charges to get us fired because of it.
Be disciples and make disciples is what the JESUS tells us to do in the BIBLE. How could this not be what we're supposed to be teaching?
Other days I'm just so gitty that we are heading out on this new adventure. I can't wait to sell our house here even though I love it and am so sad to give it up. I can't wait to find a new one. I want to "house hunt" with all my friends but then I realize...they're not going. They're staying here and feel abandoned. I can't be excited with them or even around them. They're hurting. I've already been excited with my husband. Who else can I tell? {other than God}
I also have trouble sharing my feelings of sadness about leaving with them because We are Choosing to move. I love our community!
This life in limbo is making me feel...bipolar. Up. Down. All over!
Some days, I just need a little perspective. Perspective that shows me where I am NOW. Not what I've been through or what's coming. I need to see just today.
Today God gave us roof-top water fun out on our patio. This is where I am Today. These are the people who love me. These are the people are the ones who have been where I've been- limbo. Through what I've been through. These are the people going with me on this new adventure. The ones I can talk to about the transition. These are the people I'm with today.
Thank you, God for the prospective!
STOP {15min past...}
NOTE: I always feel like I need to write a follow-up post to these 5 min Friday posts...this is just what came out during those 5 minutes. I tried to cut myself off. Obviously didn't get to tell more about perspective. This actually went a direction I didn't intend.
I mainly found peace today amidst a really hard transition. The past several months have been up and down. I haven't felt like I could talk freely {on here}. Maybe in the next month I can share more. THANKS for tha love'n!

These pictures made me tear up! So precious the love on that rooftop! I bet the littles are loving having Daddy home! Love you and I’m here to listen if you need me!
Thanks sis! I so enjoy Saturdays like today! and Thanks!!!
For the last few weeks I have read your 5 minute posts and wished my heart was in the right place to trust myself to just unload for 5 minutes. I think I am almost there!
I will pray for your transition… We have been the ones moving a few times now, and it’s hard when you are bubbling over with excitement and your friends are all sad you are leaving…
I love the Joy your husband and kids had on their faces in your photos was infectious! I couldn’t help but smile as I looked at them!
I am praying it’s coming out right. Glorifying God not just venting. I may really need to start doing follow ups for clarification.
Thanks for the prayers. I am super sad to leave all my really good friends here. We’re really become a family and have learned to actually BE the Church. I’ll miss that tons! I just hate to talk about it with them often bc I know its not easy.
I am so glad the JOY was catured! We truthly had a realxing afternoon. It was a BLAST!!!! I am also glad I could make you smile during your tough time.
You’ve pegged it. Change how we feel by changing our focus. It’s hard to stay down when we’re busy thinking about our blessings and I can see you have quite a few of them. What a lovely family!
Yes Ma’am! Changing our focus- well worded! And thank you. I sure think my adorables are HUGE blessings!!!