Surviving the Stomach Bug {Thoughtful Thursday}

Sorry, I know this isn't your typical Valentine's Day Thoughtful Thursday post but this is very relevant to our lives this week.

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Monday morning my sweet little, regularly energetic , 2-year-old slept in late and 30 minutes later was asking to go night night and snuggled in my lap for a long time. That was the beginning of this weeks yack-fest. I won't go into the details of who won the up chuck count but I do want to share a 3 things that helped us manage a household full of littles who are very good sharers. Keep in mind, these are just practical tips to add to the normal love'n, movie watching, snuggling, washing, book reading, diaper changing, temp taking, water chugging that goes with stomach bug 2013.

Photo: Is it really the stomach bug when ur kids looks this happy moments after holding their own vomit n their hand?! #spoketoosoonPhoto: "Do we get to watch movies all morning AND evening!?!" "Y.E.S." #movieWednesday #yuck #sleepitoffPhoto: 2 out 3 Roth Babes say- boooo for moving in to fevers! 1 Babe's symptoms have moved south...Photo: Our oldest... Not as good an aim... # stomachbug2013 #upchuckstricksagainPhoto: Apparently bottled water & conversation hearts make a good stomach bug recovery meal. #themoreyouknowPhoto: Round 3 of #stomachbug2013 Day 2 of #moviemarathonPhoto: THIS is very odd for my children. They've never passed out on the couch, in the morning, watching a movie. #stomachbug2013 #sad

1. The War Zone:

Our children are 2, 3, 4-years-old so the likelihood of them all making it to the bathroom when they feel sick in the middle of the night is pretty low. For some reason all 3 kids think the appropriate time to begin their barf marathon is between 10pm and midnight...gross. We decided to be proactive in this late night strike and make our Hazmat Team clean up a little easier by

  • tucking towels on the pillow as well as over the bed right where the mess is likely to occur then we
  • placed an empty trashcan right next to the bed just in case the attack was faster than the child and finally we
  • made a trail of towels from the bed to the bathroom along the path they will be taking several times in the middle of the night.

The War Zone making family-wide sickness more manageable

2. Tracking Meds:

With this years stomach bug came nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and low-grade fever. Needless to say we had a couple of medicines we were trying to use in making everyone feel a little better. To keep track of meds as well as limiting the ways this thing might get passed back and forth we

  • labeled medicine cups with each child's initials,
  • used a small empty picture frame and a dry erase marker to remember who took what medicine at what time, and we then
  • marked water bottles with different colored straws so there would be no sharing.

Tracking Meds when multiples are sick

3. The BRAT Diet:

With everyone's tummy still curdling, gurgling, and a little on edge to say the least, we needed something to help get things back on track. The BRAT diet was something we've used since our kids started table foods. {AVOID Milk}

The BRAT diet is a historically prescribed diet for patients with gastrointestinal distress such as diarrhea, dyspepsia, and/or gastroenteritis. The BRAT diet consists of foods that are exceptionally bland and low in fiber. Low-fiber foods were recommended as it was thought that foods high in fiber cause gas and possibly worsen gastrointestinal upset.
The American Academy of Pediatrics states that most children should continue a normal, age appropriate diet. The foods from the BRAT diet may be added, but should not replace normal, tolerated foods. Sugary drinks and carbonated beverages should be avoided. ~Source

  • B. Bananas. I'm thinking any form of this would work. Peel and eat, mash it up and eat with a spoon, or slather on your toast.
  • R. Rice Nuf said.
  • A. Apple Sauce I think the consistency of the sauce version of the apple is part of its magic.
  • T. Toast We have several adorable "toast stamps". One says, "I love you", another is a heart, and another is a mickey mouse. Just to add a little fun. My kids don't eat a lot of toast so we've subbed dry {healthy} cereal several times.

The BRAT Diet

Hope these tips help you survive your family's next bug epidemic.

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  1. My two-year-old just puked a landslide, aaaaaalllllllllll through the living and dining room. Your post was the first thing I thought of–I pinned it forever ago, and just read it now. Thanks for the advice. <3

    • I am soooo sorry you’re dealing with the landslide!!! Stomach bugs are the Worst! Thanks for pinning and I’m praying it passes fast and the post helps!


  1. […] himself to the doctor. I loaded up on gatorade, gingerale and all the foods that he might possibly could eat. I started downing 100% grapejuice. I am not getting the stomach bug if I can help […]

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