It's been almost a week since I've're not missing much ;o)
This past week has been kinds crazy. Last Tuesday me and my girls took a flying road trip several hours north to hang out with my 'forever friend' who lost her daddy. My girls had a blast having their 1st "Grammy day(s)! Jamin hung out with a friend from church during the day and his daddy in the mornings and at night. He also had his 1st Nanna day!
I got to see many friends while in my home town. My girls traveled well! We ran lots of errands and hung out with family and friends. My girls and I got to go to my home church and see the awesome ministry they have to their community!
Had safe travel home on Thursday! Made it home just in time for dinner with the other side of the family. Got to see extended family before she jumped on a plane the next day.
Friday we attempted another Rothacher marathon day which included but wasn't limited to a cardiologist appointment, SAMs club run, lunch at Chick-fil-a, and a failed pediatrician (shot follow-up) visit, and Jamin's pictures.
God's rocked through our week! It's amazing the endlessness of what He has for us...exhausting as it maybe some weeks...always GOOD.
Although it doesn't feel like Thanksgiving it next week it is! We are Thankful! Thankful for the list above (what we see as good and bad!). Thankful for always joyous holiday season approaching us! Thankful for the different way we're doing Christmas this year {promise to share soon!} Thankful for this little nook of cyber air I get to call my own!
How have you been? Have any "Rothacher Marathon" stories of your own? What do your holidays look like this year?