TOM’s 1 for 1 Policy

We've adopted a principle similar to TOM's 1 for 1 policy.

We have often encouraged out children to eat a variety of food during meal times. One of the ways we get them to do this is the 1 for 1 policy {game}. Today I spent 30+ minutes trying to get my almost-2-year-old to eat a cheese burger. I know, right! She doesn't want to eat a cheese burger? Anyways. I ended up tearing the burger into bit-sized pieces and sat with a bag of grapes exchanging 1 grape for every 1 bit of burger. It may sound silly but it's worked for our 2 oldest kids.

What parenting tricks have you learned to help your kids eat?

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  1. I bribed them… Back then I am sure I used pretty parent speak to make it sound better, but bribery was my best friend. I had lots of tricks to getting them to try new things, but to get them to finish dinner, bribery worked every time.

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