TOM’s 1 for 1 Policy

We've adopted a principle similar to TOM's 1 for 1 policy.

We have often encouraged out children to eat a variety of food during meal times. One of the ways we get them to do this is the 1 for 1 policy {game}. Today I spent 30+ minutes trying to get my almost-2-year-old to eat a cheese burger. I know, right! She doesn't want to eat a cheese burger? Anyways. I ended up tearing the burger into bit-sized pieces and sat with a bag of grapes exchanging 1 grape for every 1 bit of burger. It may sound silly but it's worked for our 2 oldest kids.

What parenting tricks have you learned to help your kids eat?

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Preschool Finances

How to you teach your child about budgeting?

Yep, those my friend are more washed out formula cans. Are you ready from some up-cycling? We have begun a new habit in our home. Partly to teach our oldest child (3.5) about prioritizing and budgeting but also just as a different system of reward. I'll tell you more about our "fake economy" later but for now I just want to tell you the 3 basic categories we are teaching her to "budget" her money into. God. Save. Spend. That simple. We give back to God just a simple part of what He's so graciously allowed us to manage. Then we save for bigger things. And we get to spend more frequently on smaller things. Here is how we made her 3 banks:

Like I said, I'm working on a future post about our "reward system" but I will just say it involves bread-ties and then divides them {currently}divides them {she calls it 'organizing' them} Evenly into the 3 categories/banks.

How are starting to teach your littles about finances and how to handle them God's way? I'm always up for new ideas!!!

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