Archives for November 2011

Where ya been?

It's been almost a week since I've're not missing much ;o)

This past week has been kinds crazy. Last Tuesday me and my girls took a flying road trip several hours north to hang out with my 'forever friend' who lost her daddy. My girls had a blast having their 1st "Grammy day(s)! Jamin hung out with a friend from church during the day and his daddy in the mornings and at night. He also had his 1st Nanna day!
I got to see many friends while in my home town. My girls traveled well! We ran lots of errands and hung out with family and friends. My girls and I got to go to my home church and see the awesome ministry they have to their community!

Had safe travel home on Thursday! Made it home just in time for dinner with the other side of the family. Got to see extended family before she jumped on a plane the next day.

Friday we attempted another Rothacher marathon day which included but wasn't limited to a cardiologist appointment, SAMs club run, lunch at Chick-fil-a, and a failed pediatrician (shot follow-up) visit, and Jamin's pictures.

God's rocked through our week! It's amazing the endlessness of what He has for us...exhausting as it maybe some weeks...always GOOD.

Although it doesn't feel like Thanksgiving it next week it is! We are Thankful! Thankful for the list above (what we see as good and bad!). Thankful for always joyous holiday season approaching us! Thankful for the different way we're doing Christmas this year {promise to share soon!} Thankful for this little nook of cyber air I get to call my own!


How have you been? Have any "Rothacher Marathon" stories of your own? What do your holidays look like this year?

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Gratitude Always Leads to Generosity

IMG_0186 by ekhum, on Pix-O-Sphere

Today I'm chat'n about how gratitude does not always come naturally to me. Anybody else in this boat? I think that's why the Bible continually tells us to be disciplined about giving thanks.

Paul tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 to "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." as on of the principles for life in the spirit.

While imprisoned " midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God..." (Acts 16:25)

Finishing reading my post over at!!!

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Practical Peace

 How peaceful does this woman looks as she calmly gazes over her coupons or whatever she hold in that thing?
How about this lady? Don't we all wish we could be the lady at the super market with an adorable bun, fitted sweater, wearing HEELS as we pace about the aisles gazing at the goods around us!
That is sooo not how my Monday grocery shopping trips go down.
I planned last night (as I do most weeks) to rise early, shower, get myself ready, feed and dress all 3 the children (With my amazing hubby's help), load my van by 8 (8:30 at the latest) to head out for a fun-filled morning of grocery shopping with my quant list.
7:30 my middle child is awake knocking on her door asking for daddy which wakes her younger brother
           I jump in the shower
Matt takes the youngest 2 down stairs to feed them
8:15 I am blowing drying my hair only to be startled by my eldest staring at me in my bedroom
We go maker her bed, potty, brush hair and teeth, pick out clothes for everyone (tossing them down stairs)
8:30 Everyone is helping someone get clothes and shoes on
          Matt and I load all 3 children into the van (children toting their diaper bags that had been tossed to them as jackets were being
layered on)
8:45 I pull in the bank to get cash out for the week...ATM doesn't work
8:50 TOTALLY stressed already I run by Sonic and get a Vanilla Dr Pepper {THANK YOU double Happy Hour!!!}
9:05 I pull back into the bank now that the drive through is open and get cash
9:25 I circle the Wal-Mart parking lot looking for a spot close enough to the door so maybe I can make it inside without any major
9:30 I load all 3 of my children into 1 regular cart (meaning no really cool blue, double seater thingy)
9:32 I realize I left my list in the van and take my entire load back out to get it (so glad our parking spot wasn't too far from the
9:35 Group potty break: Preschooler uses potty, Toddler gets a diaper change, Baby is awakened by all the noiseless of the store
9:45 We start our shopping adventure
I won't play-by-play the rest of the trip but lets just say there were missing shoes, 2 laundry baskets taking up the entire cart, an exhausted walking preschooler, a toddler past her a.m. nap fussy because she had to sit on top of the bottled water, 1 bottle made and drank, trading of the rider/walker (who ended up being held >1/2 the time), lot of "are those all your kids?" and "we saw YOU here last time" comments, forgotten items, back tracking, bad selections made, and one sweaty mamma at the check out handing over bananas the moment they were weighed.
My poor babes are always done by the time we get to the register. Usually before then. That's when it never fails something doesn't ring up right, the checker doesn't like my coupon, and I can't juggle breaking up a fight in the crowed cart and paying for my items fast enough.
There have been lots of rough trips to the store. As I stand at that register I breath deeply, focus on hierarchy of needs, and smile with consistent apologies if necessary to those waiting eagerly behind us.
To my surprise most people when you thank them for their patience respond with patience!
I had several encouraging women ask me, "Are you always this calm?" to which I always seem to respond, "If you could only see my insides... {churning}"
Why? Why do I respond that way? Yes, I want to be honest with people but I also want to be a witness in all I do. I am challenged to make this reoccurring situation one to seize!
My prayer is that I will be able to communicate this {Not in these exact words} next time: I am in charge of my actions
The Weymouth New Testament says in Acts 19:36 that "These facts, then, being unquestioned, it becomes you to maintain you...r self-control and not act recklessly."
and because God is in charge of my changing heart, I will rest in what the New Living Translation says
Zeph. 3:17, "For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs."
So next time you see me sweating like a sumo wrestler at the Wal-Mart check out line with 3 fussy babies, too many groceries for one cart, and a smile on my face, just know I'm attempting to practice practical calmness in hopes of resting in supernatural peace: practical peace!
What do your shopping trips look like?
Any helpful hints? {I've tried all kinds of things: different times, days, with the hubs, by myself, etc}
What reoccurring situation will you use to testify what God's doing in your life? How will you look different that the rest of the world when under stress?
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Oh, Happy Day!

Confessions of an undignified Christ Follower:

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What do your Sunday usually look like? I know ours are jam-packed and tiring most weeks. Are your's? Is it worth it?

*learn more about where we are and what going on by reading my older post: "What am I "called" to do?"

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“It’s like a Waggon!”

Today we brought an entirely new level to my 3-year-old helping with major chores.

Before today I never would have considered asking Maggie to carry a laundry basket up our stairs but today...I did. That's right, I ask a short little, 25 lb, almost 3.5-year-old to carry 3 days worth of our entire 5 member family's laundry up the stairs. And she LOVED it!

Here's how we did it:

  • I attached a simple 4ft piece of twine to on handle on our laundry basket
  • I piled the children's laundry on the landing 1/2 way up the stairs
  • Mags then fill the basket up as much as she liked (and was able to heave up the stairs) 
  • After loaded, we strung the twine across the laundry (holding in the items)

  • When it was through the other handle, Maggie then pulled it thus toting the load up the stairs
  • She ran down the hall way pulling the basket behind her yelling, "Mommy! It's like a wagon!"
  • Finally she dumped their clothes (a load at a time) into her bedroom floor where we later sorted and put it away
  • {We continued this same procedure with Matt's and my clothing to our bedroom}


Share with us fun ways you involve your kids in daily chores?

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