Guest Posts!?!

I've been reading this new book by AmyBayliss called Pursuit of Proverbs 31. Love It! {slow reader though, still at it}

In the book it discusses who Proverbs 31 is really taking about and what is really expected of us. Without spoiling the entire book I'll just say it's super insightful and I'm learning a lot. You get get a copy HERE {warning: affiliate link}.

Slightly connected but disconnected is the fact that the women mentioned in that 31st chapter is listed at "having help". Yep, lil miss thang didn't do it all on her own.

With that being said, I need help ;o)

I love writing but with all the stuff going on in my life I'm falling short on being consistent {as much as I'd like}. I want my readers to find fresh posts that are encouraging, up lifting, real life, helpful, and fun. Just like those of us who read blogs are.

I've said in the past that I don't want this to necessarily become a demand on my time or a nagging job but there are too many awesome ladies out there with so many jewels to share that I'd like to give them {maybe YOU} a chance to share them here with us.

If you are interested shoot me a message at Jules Rothacher at yahoo dot com! Thanks!!!

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This past week Matt and I took some of our Relentless students to St Louis on a
Spring Break trip while our children had a 5 day sleepover at their Nanna's house.

Limbo doesn't even begin to explain where I'm at right now. Our family is not playing a simple game of see who can keep their balance while crawling under a pole. No, we have been on a full-blown roller coaster with an end beyond the horizon filled with flips, tight turns, giant loops, and hills that take your stomach away and force out feelings you didn't know you had. All this since October of 2011. Going and going and going...

Preparing to travel. Traveling. Preparing kids to be away from home. Readjusting to being home. Preparing to travel again. And the cycle starts over.

Where is the recovery in this cycle?

We're all running in circles.

Where is the rest?

We're all tired and sick.

Where is the peace?

We're all on edge; our bodies sore with stress.

Our poor home has felt the wake of this coaster. It's winds blowing through reeking havoc in every corner of clutter. Filling trash cans with debris. Tearing our home to pieces, literally.

We need time to stretch the aches out of our inner most muscles. Time to rest our eyes not just in sleep but from the hustle and bustle of looking for what's next. Time to regroup, reorganize, clear out, clean up, settle down, have a seat, Enjoy one another.

I'm ready for a smaller house. A smaller yard. Less maintenance. Less responsibility. I want a to-do list diet: fewer things on my plate that are making me chubby with anxiety.

I'm ready for routine. I'm ready for predictable. Not just knowing about the millions of things that are filling up our calendar but a standard. I'm ready for almost dull, monotonous, SLOW way of life.

I'm trying to find peace and enjoy this stage. I don't wanna miss life as we are traveling through it. I'm so glad I have my camera back so I can remember to stop and capture each moment. Not only to remember it later but to notice it now.

I know God did not build us to run as fast as the machines we've created. I want to get back to the pace of the garden. Walking in the cool of the evening! Chatting with our maker. awe...

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What body part are you?

Last night I hurt my thumb. Many of you will not be surprised that I was hopping over a chair during our youth service and jammed it, or fractured it, or maybe broke it. Who knows. It hurts thought! Super bad.

Rich\'s broken finger

I attempted to make a splint to immobilize it last night but that didn't work. So then I just used medical tape to try to keep it from hurting too badly. I did not sleep well.

It's amazing how one little hurt finger can cripple you in so many ways.

Moving my other fingers on my left hand moves the thumb and therefore renders my entire hand useless.

Last night I couldn't

  • unbutton my pants to use the restroom.
  • unbuckle my children from their car seats.
  • open the Tylenol bottle.
  • squeeze the tooth paste to brush my teeth.

This morning I couldn't

  • wash my hair in the shower.
  • put on make-up.
  • blow dry my hair and use my brush.
  • put on a shirt normally.
  • carry more than 1 child.
  • help my children get dressed.

Did I mention I'm left-handed? That means my plans for the rest of the day are shot. I can't

  • write our monthly budget.
  • pay bills.
  • vacuum the house.
  • fold laundry.
  • scrub bathrooms.
  • rack our front yard.
  • sweep the floors.

I've tried to do all these things. Some I've accomplished but at a MUCH slower pace than normal and look'n like a fool the entire time. You know: holding the toothpaste with my forearm and squeezing it out against my tummy. Washing my hair one-handed. Stretching my arm over the top of my head hoping I rinsed out all the soap. Applying mascara to my eyelashes {and the rest of my face} as I tried reaching across my face.

My emotions keep swinging back and forth from laughing at myself and my failed attempts to act like nothings wrong and wanting to cry because my thumb hurts so bad when it moves.

God is teaching me today from Romans 8:28 (NIV)

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

Yeah yeah, the whole, "He's got a plan" thing and the obvious, "Maybe He wants you to slow down" advice but today, God is teaching me about the body of Christ through this circumstance.

~~~~~{Long break from typing for lunch, that took twice as long because MY THUMB HURTS!}~~~~~~~

 Often, as Christians, when we hear the passage talking about us being the "body of Christ" we run in two different directions.

  1. We see all these important people in "church" and assume our job is insignificant. We attend minimal services much less contribute to any ministry because we feel unqualified {especially in comparison to others around us}. We see our simple gifts and talents as unnecessary or useless to ministry.
  2. We hike up our boots and assume there's enormous amounts of work to be ME. So we take on every ministry possible and fill our weeks with every "church" activity available. We take a worldly point of view and view ministry like the American dream. The more well-rounded we are the better. The higher in authority we become the more worthy. The more titles we acquire the more meaning we bring to our lives.

I'm here to say I am learning that neither of these approaches is biblical!

Taking on either one of these points of view will cripple the body of Christ and inevitably the advancement of the gospel. Who knows the human body better than God, its creator? He formed every inch of us with a specific purpose. Who better would understand the inner workings and specific purposes of the body of Christ than Jesus Christ? He lived it.

Manikin II

When you join a local body of believers and assume they have everything running smoothly and don't need you, the body is crippled. Maybe you see your role in the body as a thumb and say "I'm just 1 of many fingers. What difference does it make if I am involved engaged or take part. It won't make big difference if I'm even healthy. They can do it without me." By not engaging or participating in the ministry of your local body of Christ using your specific gifting and talent you are hindering it. When you do this you are belittling the craftsmanship and sovereignty of God. He made you a thumb. You have a significant part in the body of Christ to advance His gospel in your community and beyond.

In the same since, when you assume you are to be involved in every aspect of your local body of believers you hinder its full potential. When you try to work your way up in what the world sees as the hierarchy of the church, the body ends up look'n like a fool by having a thumb attempting to do the specific purpose of the nose...and a leg...and a tooth...and the hair. It takes at least twice as long to get something done and that's if the task ever gets accomplished. AND we make the other parts feel unnecessary by us doing their job.

Wow, that was a lot thinking out loud. Hope that all came out right. God's teaching me all kinds of new things about saying no and stepping up. Maybe I'm not the only one and that's why I felt like sharing. Thanks for reading through my thoughts on being a part of the body of Christ. Tomorrow I plan to come back and finish up some thoughts on "splinting" and "talents".

Leave a comment: share your thoughts are your journey as a thumb, or an eye, or the brain ;o)

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Goodwill find!

I love the goodwill!

This past month I had the weird opportunity to go overnight to stay with my parents and see a friend all by myself. It was super weird and if your a mom you know what I'm talking about. Relaxing, healthy, but...weird!

Anyways. While I was there my mom and I got to fart around a little, run some errands, and check out the new, GIANT Goodwill in my hometown. I found these:


I'm been looking, pricing, and watching for 'preschool' chairs to go with my kids table we got serveral months ago. If you don't know anything about these they normally run anywhere from $15.00 for used and as high as $30.00 brand new. I found these for $20.00 - for the SET OF 4!!! That's $5.00 a chair! They in perfectly usable shape just a little ... loved on. I decided I'd try and paint them. I'd been looking for multiple colors so they would go with our 'theme' in the playroom. The hope of having a couple chairs that were primary colored (blue, yellow, red) and a couple that where secondary colored (orange, green, purple) made the hunt even harder/more expensive.

I found this Krylon paint at Wal-Mart for ~$4.00 each. I only found 2 that were "Fusion for Plastic" so I got those and then thought I'd try the normal stuff since I hadn't found all the colors I wanted  in the plastic type. And I already owned the black attachment on top of the orange can. I highly recommend this tool if you plan to do lots of spray painting projects! I helps keep your hands (fingers) clean, keeps an even spray, and your fingers don't hurt afterward from pressing down so hard.

I laid out a very used drop clothe on my driveway while my kiddos played in the yard. I cleaned them all up with multipurpose cleaner, warm wet rag, and a magic eraser (LIFE SAVOR- everyone who has kids should have some- cheap brand works just as good) if necessary.

After srubbing them all down and make sure they were completely dry I fliped them all upside down and spread them out so the different colors wouldn't blow on the chair next them. I started on the bottom so I'd feel free to use the rest of the can on the seat and back parts that would actually show!

I started with the orange and was super disappointed in how it looked...spray painted.

I did as well as I could and then moved onto the green "Fusion for Plastic" to see if it looked any better before I completely gave up. YEP! There's a reason they made special paint for plastic. The green looked GREAT! Only wasted 1/2 can... I took the other non-plastic specific paint back and searched at other Wal-Marts near us for the other colors. I found 5 of the 6 colors I wanted in the 3 different stores. Well worth it and I didn't make extra trips, I only went to ones I was already near for other errands I was running.

SuPeR pumped about my 4 preschool chairs I got for ~$9.00 each!!!


Where is your favorite place to find good deals? Any new fun projects going on in your world?

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Valentine’s Day GIVEAWAY!

I just recently learned about 2 fun new sites!The Crafting Chicks


Poppy Seed Projects

I 1st came across them when doing my Feb post,"Ghetto Frames: DIY Organic Bloom Frames" for Homemaker's  Challenge. When I came across these lovely ladies and their enticing craftiness I was Not only was I envious of their ability to make adorable crafts but also products they worked with. They recently has a giveaway for a Poppy Seed Project product that had me flipping my lid. Just the pictures of the products they offered had me in disbelief. I didn't know anyone sold Exactly what I'd always been shopping at the Goodwills and yard sales for. I had to contact them.

I'm honored today to be offering a $25.oo gift card to the Poppy Seed Project!

MY Poppy Seed Project!
This will give you just a glimpse into one of the options you can use your gift card for ;o)
It is a stacked frame using 2 different sized square bracketed frames. I show you the process and final product!!!!

It looks similar to this Poppy Seed Projects example:

Enter DAILY for more chances to win:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Note to all the wonderful ladies I've been working with:

It's been a pleasure working with all these ladies! Thanks for giving me the chance to share this cuteness with my readers!

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