Strawberry Shortcake (cheater) Recipe {Thoughtful Thursday}

Thoughtful Thursday is {usually} a weekly post where I like to share recipes, crafts, DIY projects, or other helpful/thoughtful things I love! Welcome to the 1st 2014 Thoughtful Thursday!!!

Thoughtful Thursdays on as Jules is going

I know you're not surprised but I tend to 1/2 read recipes and end up 'messing up' the recipe. Sometimes it turns out yummy though & my way is usually easier {because I'm lazy}.
Tonight I'm sharing MY recipe for Strawberry Shortcakes that are EeeeeZeeee!
The original recipe {I messed up} was from Betty Crocker's BIG RED Cookbook- classic!

HERE is the online version which is not the same as the tangible cookbook.

easy homemade Strawberry Shortcake

Baking Ingredients

  • 1/2 Sugar
  • 1/3 cup margarine
  • 2 cups all-purpose Flour
  • 3 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 3/4 cup Milk

Baking Directions

  1. Preheat oven 450'.
  2. In a mixer, combine sugar & margarine until creamy.
  3. Slowly add 1/2 the flour, then the baking powder and salt, and then the rest of the flour.
  4. When that's all mixed up, add the milk and mix until it's a thick pancake batter consistency.
  5. Spray a cookie sheet with no-stick spray and then begin plopping globs of the batter on the pan. {I used a large spoon ~2tbs}
    You can get about 8-11 on a large cookie sheet without them running into one another & baking together.
  6. Bake 10-12 minutes or until golden brown {around the edges. if the top is browning, the bottom is likely black}


Serving Ingredients {per serving}

  • 1-2 shortcakes
  • 1/4 cool whip
  • strawberry syrup

Serving Directions

  1. I like to either divide a single shortcake or use 2 to make a sandwich
  2. Put the dollop of cool whip inside
  3. Then drizzle with the strawberry syrup.
  4. If you like real strawberries, throw some of those on there, too.
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How-to Make Scramble Eggs in the Microwave

Thoughtful Thursday a weekly series on

Last summer, I visited my mom who was working at a diner. Being a "home cook'n" kinda place, they needed to make real food while still pretty fast. She taught me that you can make scrambled eggs in a microwave in about 2-3 minutes. You an also do individual servings of eggs without dirtying an entire pan! They turn out incredibly fluffy!

Scrambled Eggs in the MICROWAVE

Scrambled Eggs {in the microwave}


  • 2 eggs
  • Tsp Milk
  • Shredded Cheese {optional for added yumminess}
  • Salt/Pepper {to taste}


  1. Crack eggs into a microwave-safe dish {preferably the one you will eat them in so you don't have to do more dishes}
  2. Scramble the eggs with a whisk {or fork- again on the saving on washing dishes}\
  3. Blend in the milk {and cheese}
  4. Place dish into microwave and cook for ~2 minutes {maybe less if your is high-powered}
  5. Remove & fluff with fork
  6. If there is still more liquid {eggs or milk} in the bottom of the dish, return it to the microwave, cooking for 30 sec at a time
  7. When ready, salt & pepper to taste and serve!

Did you try it? Does it work? I really enjoy this...especially being pregnant, craving eggs, but getting nauseous at the smell of them cooking over the stove.


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Summer Snackage {Thoughtful Thursday}

Thoughtful Thursday a weekly series on

The other day I had sliced open a cantaloupe for my daughters' snack. After the melon was empty I was reminded of some kind of cute snack I'd seen on Pinterest or some other place that clever people post creative ideas. A melon filled with jello.

Cool. Maybe I had jello! nope. I had no jello. I did however have cheap popsicle...yep. I tried it.

Summer Snackage

I cut open about 10 unfrozen popsicle, I chose orange...because no one likes that flavor in our house. I pored them into 1/2 of the empty melon. I covered it in plastic wrap and set it in a flat-bottomed bowl and placed it in the deep freeze.

And here are pics of my kids eating it.

IMG_3903 IMG_3904 IMG_3905

Or at least trying to. It was kinda a flop. It tasted okay and was kind of like a slushy. But then I tried to slice up the cantaloupe it was wicked hard & I had to call on the strength of the hubs.

I was envisioning the kids eating it like watermelon or something but it was more like a slushy mess on a plate that required a spoon.

What was your newest inventive food? Did it Flop or Fly?

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12 Steps to Help MOM Get Ready FAST {Thoughtful Thursday}

Thoughtful Thursday a weekly series on

I never thought I'd be THAT mom...the one that doesn't shower daily. Or at least who wishes she did but it's kinda hit or miss. Yeah. I am now her. I have learned some tricks to taking a quick and efficient shower.

12 Steps to Help MOM Get Ready FAST

12 Steps to Help MOM Get Ready FAST

  1. Have all necessary items IN the shower.
    I always make sure I have body wash, wash cloth/luffa, shampoo, conditioner, make-up remover, razor, etc before showering. Really, I just never take the stuff our or replace it if needed when I get out.
    Some times I even set out hair stuff {ie Plug in but turn off straightener and hair drier, brush, make-up bag, lotion, and even the Deo (because sometimes...lets be honest...I forget lol)}
  2. Have all Clothing Laid out and ready in the bathroom.
    I never knew how much time this could save me. I pick out what I'm going to wear the night before and have it in a pile on the bathroom counter. I'm talking under garments, socks if applicable, top, bottoms, earrings, hair stuff, etc. Wearing mainly t-shirts helps this process as well. 😀 If its something nicer, I'll leave it on the hanger & hook it on the back of the door {knob or towel hook}.
  3. Have Towel over the shower door or rail.
    I love having my towel hanging over the shower door/rail even if there's a nearby hook. I use the towel to wipe my eyes after those slashes from soap when in a rush.
  4. Set a timer.
    I haven't done this often but if you tend to take a long shower this can help you be aware of how long you take. After a while, a 10 minute shower will just be habit.
  5. Rinse Hair Twice as long as you Wash it.
    This may sound silly and I laugh every time I'm in the shower and remember this tidbit...because it came from 6th grade! You know, when they give you the "You Stink, Use Deo for Your BO" conversation. Yeah, they had cute high school girls come talk to us and one of the things they mentioned was a general rule to make sure you get all the shampoo out is to rinse twice as long. If you message in the shampoo for 30 seconds, rinse for 1 minute.
    I know the whole point of this post is to take a FAST shower but it won't be worth it if your hair looks nasty just a few hours later.
  6. Wash Body with Warm Water {1st}
    I prefer taking a shower first thing in the morning {even though this doesn't always happen} because it helps get the stiffness out of my body before starting the day. Warm water helps this!
  7. Shave while washing your body.
    Using warm water and body wash is a quick way to shave every day. I know it can be bothersome and some days there's just no time for that but I love the feeling of shaved legs.
  8. Remove make-up/Wash Face.
    Using your face-wash/make-up remover, clean your face using slightly warm water. You don't want to dry out your skin and your face is very sensitive.
  9. Wash Hair with nearly Cold Water {2nd}
    After you've 'relaxed', washed, and shaved, its time to move on to hair. Scrub in your shampoo still using semi-warm water and then when you are ready to rinse, switch the water over to as cold as you can stand! Rinsing your hair with cold water will cut down on dandruff that comes from dry scalp and it also makes your hair really shiny {thanks for the tip mom}.
  10. Don't turn back up the water temperature.
    Now that your hair looks fab, do not let the temptation to crank back up the water temp. You are ready to JUMP out of the shower...because you are cold. LOL
  11. Dry off IN the shower.
    I know this isn't easy, especially if you have a small shower but this too will be beneficial. It will make you move quickly {so you can bundle after that cold rinse} and it won't soak your rug 😀
  12. Don't leave the bathroom until you are READY for the day.
    Another thing I'm still not good at but have noticed helps speed along with read-for-the-day process is finishing getting ready for the day. Get completely Dressed, Do make-up, Dry & Fix hair

Did you "Get Ready" today? I DID!!!

Anyone else have some helpful hints for shower or getting ready fast?

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The Perfect Toast {Thoughtful Thursday}

Thoughtful Thursday a weekly series on

I've got something beyond simple today for Thoughtful Thursday- TOAST.

Yep, as easy as "stick the bread into the toaster" may seem, my high-school-aged cousin {out of the mouth of babes} opened my eyes to the yumminess that Is 1/2 I like to call it.

1/2 toast is when your bread is only toasted on one side. This creates less crummage while still getting the crunch my family like for their PB&Js. Here's how ya do for this...are you ready...really, are you ready?

Put 2 pieces of bread in 1 toaster slot. ShuBAM--> 1/2 TOAST!

half toast

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