Activities for Littles & Winter Sanity {Thoughtful Thursday}

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I know its supposed to be turning spring...really! Any day now. But if you live in Arkansas or any state with bipolar weather like AR then you know you're gonna need some tricks up your sleeve this month {and maybe next month as well} for those days when the brisk wind is more like ice daggers. Today I wanna share 3 silly things my kids love that cost little to nothing and entertained them for quite a while.

Pipe Cleaner Art

pipe cleaner art toddler activities for winter sanity

I had some construction paper, pipe cleaners, and {glitter} glue already in our craft supplies. My 4.5-year-old just went at it! Twisting and gluing. My 3-year-old was having a little more trouble. I ended up cutting lots of different colored pipe cleaners into tiny pieces. Then she told me what picture she wanted to make. I sketched the picture she described with a marker then I helped her outline the sketch with the glue, adding different colors to each part of the picture. They both really enjoyed it!

 Indoor Water Play

You may remember we recently went to an awesome indoor playground called the Wonder Place. It was filled with numerous educational centers to play in, one of which being the giant water table. My kids spent the majority of our visit there. This reassured me that my plan to make a homemade outdoor water table for this summer was definitely gonna be worth it! BUT seeing as how we are still in transition and the weather is not exactly conducive to wet outdoor play, we modified our water play.

I filled our kitchen sink with warm water and dish soap. Simply giving them a few "tool" {strainer, spoon, fork, whisk, different sized cups & bowls, grater, etc} to do "experiments" with kept them more than busy.

I wasn't quite comfortable with my 2-year-old standing on a chair, step, or sharing the bench with his sisters for a prolonged period of time...there may or may not have been shoving involved. I chose to give him his own small tray of water with soap, and some safer tools on top of a drop clothe. #winning

indoor water play toddler activities for winter sanityindoor water play toddler science activites for winter sanity

Playdough Art

My kids all three love Playdough, like most kids. They do seem to get bored with the same ol' roll, smash, etc. They haven't quite mastered the molding concept yet. Soooo, I have saved a silly amount of cardboard circles from frozen pizza and we decided to use them in our playdough-play. We made, pizzas, faces, several other meals, and lots of "imaginary" things...

playdough art toddler activities for winter santiy

feeding babies playdough dinner feeding babies playdough meals

playdough birthday cake

Once I got them going on these activities and gave general 'rules', they played interdependent very nicely. Giving them a "new game" seems to help them play well together as well as stay focused for a little longer.

Hope these help spark some ideas in these last few weeks of wacky weather and indoor boredom!


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Surviving the Stomach Bug {Thoughtful Thursday}

Sorry, I know this isn't your typical Valentine's Day Thoughtful Thursday post but this is very relevant to our lives this week.

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Monday morning my sweet little, regularly energetic , 2-year-old slept in late and 30 minutes later was asking to go night night and snuggled in my lap for a long time. That was the beginning of this weeks yack-fest. I won't go into the details of who won the up chuck count but I do want to share a 3 things that helped us manage a household full of littles who are very good sharers. Keep in mind, these are just practical tips to add to the normal love'n, movie watching, snuggling, washing, book reading, diaper changing, temp taking, water chugging that goes with stomach bug 2013.

Photo: Is it really the stomach bug when ur kids looks this happy moments after holding their own vomit n their hand?! #spoketoosoonPhoto: "Do we get to watch movies all morning AND evening!?!" "Y.E.S." #movieWednesday #yuck #sleepitoffPhoto: 2 out 3 Roth Babes say- boooo for moving in to fevers! 1 Babe's symptoms have moved south...Photo: Our oldest... Not as good an aim... # stomachbug2013 #upchuckstricksagainPhoto: Apparently bottled water & conversation hearts make a good stomach bug recovery meal. #themoreyouknowPhoto: Round 3 of #stomachbug2013 Day 2 of #moviemarathonPhoto: THIS is very odd for my children. They've never passed out on the couch, in the morning, watching a movie. #stomachbug2013 #sad

1. The War Zone:

Our children are 2, 3, 4-years-old so the likelihood of them all making it to the bathroom when they feel sick in the middle of the night is pretty low. For some reason all 3 kids think the appropriate time to begin their barf marathon is between 10pm and midnight...gross. We decided to be proactive in this late night strike and make our Hazmat Team clean up a little easier by

  • tucking towels on the pillow as well as over the bed right where the mess is likely to occur then we
  • placed an empty trashcan right next to the bed just in case the attack was faster than the child and finally we
  • made a trail of towels from the bed to the bathroom along the path they will be taking several times in the middle of the night.

The War Zone making family-wide sickness more manageable

2. Tracking Meds:

With this years stomach bug came nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and low-grade fever. Needless to say we had a couple of medicines we were trying to use in making everyone feel a little better. To keep track of meds as well as limiting the ways this thing might get passed back and forth we

  • labeled medicine cups with each child's initials,
  • used a small empty picture frame and a dry erase marker to remember who took what medicine at what time, and we then
  • marked water bottles with different colored straws so there would be no sharing.

Tracking Meds when multiples are sick

3. The BRAT Diet:

With everyone's tummy still curdling, gurgling, and a little on edge to say the least, we needed something to help get things back on track. The BRAT diet was something we've used since our kids started table foods. {AVOID Milk}

The BRAT diet is a historically prescribed diet for patients with gastrointestinal distress such as diarrhea, dyspepsia, and/or gastroenteritis. The BRAT diet consists of foods that are exceptionally bland and low in fiber. Low-fiber foods were recommended as it was thought that foods high in fiber cause gas and possibly worsen gastrointestinal upset.
The American Academy of Pediatrics states that most children should continue a normal, age appropriate diet. The foods from the BRAT diet may be added, but should not replace normal, tolerated foods. Sugary drinks and carbonated beverages should be avoided. ~Source

  • B. Bananas. I'm thinking any form of this would work. Peel and eat, mash it up and eat with a spoon, or slather on your toast.
  • R. Rice Nuf said.
  • A. Apple Sauce I think the consistency of the sauce version of the apple is part of its magic.
  • T. Toast We have several adorable "toast stamps". One says, "I love you", another is a heart, and another is a mickey mouse. Just to add a little fun. My kids don't eat a lot of toast so we've subbed dry {healthy} cereal several times.

The BRAT Diet

Hope these tips help you survive your family's next bug epidemic.

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Personalized Mailboxes & Love Note Station {Thoughtful Thursday}

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Again with Target saving the day! I love the dollar spot & I was so excited they had these adorable mini mailboxes again this year {since I was too slow to score them last year}.

how-to personalize Valentine's Day Mailboxes

We are using these cute lil guys as part of our month long Valentine's Day Party. All I did was buy different color boxes for each child. My Target has pink, red, and white in the small $1 version & the same colors in the larger versions but those were $5. The only reason I got larger ones for Matt & I was because they didn't have enough of the 'right colors' in the smaller one. {almost missed them again}

I used some of that great chalkboard paint leftover from our chalkboard table project.

use chalkboard paint to create personalized mailboxes

All I did was use painters tape to mark off the rectangles I wanted the tiny chalkboards to be on the front of the mailbox door as well as the side {that one was a little bigger than the front}. I made one rectangle "stencil" and pulled it off to use on each mailbox to make sure they were the same size.

paint mini chalkboards on front and side of mailboxes to personalize them

Putting multiple coats is the best idea for a chalkboard that will last. I did chalkboards rather than just using sharpy for writing their names so I could use them for other things if I wanted to.

Let these dry really well between coats. Be careful though...if you let the tape stay on until the its completely dry it will tend to pull up the paint. I put on the 1st coat, removed the tape {placing it on the next box I was planning to work on} and then just added the next few coats over the area I already had marked out.

write love notes to the entire family for the month of February

After writing each persons name on them, I set up a "love note station" where the kids as well as Matt & I can write sweet nothings to one anther through the month of February.

Love Note Station includes:

  • chopped up red, pink, purple, and white paper using cutesy scissors
  • heart hole punch
  • red, purple, black pens
  • pink highlighter
  • heart, flower, Valentiney stickers

Tuesday was our first day to introduce the boxes and they LOVED them! They loved getting notes from their parents about how much they're loved. They were also really into 'writing' notes to one another...this basket was EMPTY day one...I had to restock with more paper & random stickers.


I am also using these little boxes to give the kids silly treats or tiny toys {I got on 50%+ off sale after season last year}. Tuesday I cut up packs of those jelly window clings and gave each kid only a couple. I plan to give them a few at a time so they new doesn't wear off as quickly. I have heart bracelets, heart popper thingies, and candy divided up in bags marked with each child's name so every other day I can sneak a treat into each kids box.


My oldest is on the verge of reading/writing on her own so we used the highlighter to write messages she thought up and then let her trace the letters with her own pen. I think when they're a little older I will add a bible or list of scriptures about love to the station or even cutesy Valentine's Day library books for a little inspiration!


What are you do'n with your kiddos this lovely season?

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Valentine’s Day Tattoo Gifts & Cards {early Thoughtful Thursday}

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I know it's not Thursday but I really wanted to share our inexpensive Valentine's before next week. These were so easy and I think some of you would LOVE this idea for your littles to hand out at their preschool or nursery.


I love not only giving our neighbors seasonal gifts but our church family as well. Since my kids aren't in daycare or preschool, we treat our church friends like classmates and it's a good excuse to show some love'n every now & then. Since we plan to homeschool, starting this tradition early will help form this habit as well as let my kids enjoy some of the typical public school traditions. Valentine's Day Parties and passing out Valentines were always so much fun!

We are on a pretty tight budgets so I wanted to do something simple yet fun for Valentine's Day. This will actually be one of our last Sundays with our current church family before our preview services & launch so I Really wanted to do something kinda special to let these families know how much they've meant to us.

When I found these adorable packages of tattoos at the fancy dancy Targe', I knew just what I wanted to do! I believe they were $5 a bag. . They only had two different kinds at the Little Rock Target I was in but it worked great. Boys- Pirate Tats & Girls- Heart Tats! I didn't want to simply put my kids' names on the 'from' line and to be honest, 1. I don't know all the kids in their 2 different classes, 2. I forgot to ask for a list and 3. You never know how many on said list or how many newbies will be there on any given day. IMG_1518IMG_1514I chose to make one {FREE PRINTABLE!} label work for both packs...mainly because I'm lazy 🙂 but partly because I wanted all the kids to be able to hand out guy & girl boxes and not from each specific child. I did cut them out using different shears to give them a little different look {girly vs boyish}. IMG_1509This kids had fun helping me put together their Valentine's!IMG_1521IMG_1524 Here's the final product: IMG_1528IMG_1529

If I can remember, I may go back & snatch some left-over ones on an after season sale and have them for next year as well! Anyways... 😉 Maybe this will help somebody searching for an inexpensive Valentine idea for an entire classroom full of kids but with a small personal touch.

Don't forget to get your FREE Valentine's Day Pirate/Heart Printable Cards/Labels!Pirate & Heart Tattoo Valentines Day Cards

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Consignment Shopping- What to take {Thoughtful Thursday}

Last week we talked about the newness of spring and new-to-me consignment shopping. Today, lets finish prepping ourselves for The Big Sale!

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I would say 98% of the time, I do all my shopping {grocery & otherwise} with my kids. I like it that way; they learn how to shop and I learn patients. BUT when we start talking consignment shopping, clothes trying on three different kids, crowed racks, all among the crazies that are consignment's just silly to try to take your kids.

I also like the idea of shopping with a friend but it never fails, two things happen. First, we either don't get any shopping done because we wanna hang out or we don't end up spending time together. Second, we have awkward conversations about how ugly clothes for each others children or we go home with something we and/or our husbands don't really like {or they do} because have completely different tastes.

This year I have a baby sitter lined up and a shopping date with my hubs planned!

Check List for Children's Consignment Shopping:

  1. Buddy/Spouse
    • When considering who would be a good shopping buddy ask the following questions:
      • do I like what their kids wear
      • do they like consignment shopping
      • will they help you stay within your budget
      • are they willing to help you dig, sort through, and make tough decisions
  2. Vehicle
    • Based on what you plan to buy, make sure you have enough to store all items you intend on buying.
    • Think size if you are planning to get larger toys or baby equipment at the event.
    • Remember to leave room for the driver and any passengers 😉
  3. Portable Container
    • You will be walking in circles around lots of other determined women {and some men}, squeezing between crowded racks, and carrying all your finds. Remember to take something to aid you in this.
      • Stroller- easily maneuvered, as light weight as possible.
      • Hanging Rack {with wheels}- this is best if you have one, are planning to but tons, and are mainly looking for clothing.
      • Laundry basket- possibly with a rope/bungee cord attached to one side so you can pull it when necessary.
      • Tub {small enough to carry when filled & heavy}- this can work like a laundry basket. Both can be put inside a stroller or hooked on the bottom of a rolling rack to help in holding small items.
  4. Measurements/measuring devices
    • Not all clothes are standard so having your child's measurements ahead of time means you don't have to have them with you to try items on, you can just measure clothes themselves.
    • A fabric tape measure can not only help you measure clothing items but also aid when trying to make decisions about furniture, toys, or baby equipment.
  5. Shopping List
    • There are going to be a slew of awesome items. You don't want to go crazy buying up everything in your child's size.
    • Know what you already have/don't need, and exactly what you Do need.
    • Stick to your guns.
    • Don't know how best to create a good shopping list? Read This.
  6. Budgeted Cash
    • Having a budget is key to getting in and out of a consignment event without getting into trouble.
    • Cash helps you stick to your budget way better than checks and definitely more than credit/debit cards.
    • Many events don't take checks or credit/debit anyways. To be safe- take cash. You don't want to have to put back all your awesome finds.
  7. Calculator
    • With so many low prices, it will be easy to feel like your way under your budget.
    • Keeping track as you go {or laying everything out one more time BEFORE you reach the checkout} will make you very aware of how much you're spending and keep you from overspending.What to take when Consignment Event Shopping

The Morning {afternoon/night} of the sale:

It may be a long wait to get in, hours of shopping, and eternal check out. Consider the following 5 tips for your sanity:

  1. Eat a good meal before going so you don't get shaky, grouchy, or mean while shopping.
    Taking a drink/snack with you.
  2. Dress comfortably. Light weight jacket, comfy pants, t-shirt, hat, tennis shoes, pull your hair up and out of your face.
    Avoid carrying excess like a purse or anything else that is now absolutely necessary. As little to keep up with as possible: put keys, phone, money in your pockets or stroller.
  3. Know what time starts. Every state/town has different regulations or times for who can come when. Check their website, Facebook fan page, or other forms of advertisements.
    Arrive early so you have plenty of time to calmly shop but beware, some of these women are for reals about their consignment shopping. If you're not up for tight spaces and pushy mammas, you may not want to be first in line ;O)
  4. Take your phone {ideally a smart phone} so you can call a life line to help make tough decisions: i.e. Family/friend to their opinion on an item, Google regularly priced item.
  5. Take a chill pill. If you don't have any prescribed, {hardy har har} just take a deep breath every time you feel like acting childish and fighting over silly, well-priced items.
    Treat everyone like Christ would, workers & even crazy consignment shoppers.

HAVE FUN! Come back & share your adventure.

I know I shared my favorite consignment event in the last Thoughtful Thursday but just in case you don't have one in your area, here is an online consignment shop: "ThredUp". And you can get $10 off your first order using the code: GIMME10! Have fun!!! {valid thru 2-22-13 midnight}
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