Today was our 1st Sunday of "unemployment". Technically we have the title 'church planters' but it feels like unemployment. We don't have a guaranteed full salary. We have to make our own 'office hours'. And today, we had already decided we were going to take a Sabbath. {you might sit down for this} We didn't go to a church service. a...splash pad. Everybody still with me?!? GREAT! Now I'd love to share our relaxing day of enjoying our family .
You may need sunglasses for the glare off our pasty family...
THIS is the newly opened, FREEEEEE, splash pad in the War Memorial Park in Little Rock, AR! {There's also another FREE one in LR called the Peabody Splash Park} We met new friends and played on giant slides! This place was perfect for toddler and preschool water play!
This was a GREAT place to have a picnic and make a day out of it {at least 1/2 a day}! We buttered these kids up with sunscreen and make them wear thier big floppy hats as much as possible. {Brought to you via Aunty Meg, THX!}
After our lunch break it had gotten a little more crowded but it was never overwhelming! Some of the water shot out fast but they loved us swinging them through it or running with them. Mag's, Iz, and J were ALL fascinated by trying to catch these little springs.
When it was about time to go we headed over to the swing area {connected} and did some swinging. This helped dry everybody off and lull us into nap time! Normally these bucket swings freak me out but it worked great with thier towels stuffed down around them!
VERY shortly after loading the car back up and hitting the road, 2 of the 3 where zonked out! Ms Mags fought it a lil longer. I think Matt was fighting the nap as well ;o)
We decided to head to the good ole Wal-Mart for a few supplies to let the kids nap a little longer while one of us drove around...then BAM: Blow Out!!! hehehe This tire was a little low this morning so we put a some air in it before the trip to LR. We'd even joked that unemployment would be a great time to invest in some new tires. Good thing we were almost to WM- cheap tires.
Did I mention I was loose in the back of the car, tucking in freezing babies and putting on neck pillows when the kaboom happened? Yeah, Izzie was starting to wake up and then freaked out wide awake. She was fine when I promised I'd put on a "moo-gee". I took 1 of my 2 tank tops {neon yellow} and flagged cars into the other lane away from us on the highway. 2 of our friends found us in the blazing heat, helped air up the spare and chat with me! J didn't wake until he heard the movie and Mags...Maggie slept through the Entire thing! She didn't wake up until we all started unloading at the Wal-Mart tire place.Kill'n time in Wally World!
This is what we originally went to Wal-Mart for: dog clippers and flea shampoo. Poor old man dog, Kiz and his grey hair/fur! More outside fun! {note the preschooler in 2 different dresses...I don't know if we can still call these 'accident's ;o)}The mark of a good Adventure: SUNBURN!
Did I leave out any details you're interested in? What have you been doing this weekend?