Be A Part

A friend lead me to this song today and I've fallen in love with the message!


Change my heart oh God, make it ever true. Change my heart oh God, may I be like you!

Are you being intentional about "being a part of someone else's story?

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How-to Make Your Own Playdough Mats {Thoughful Thursday}

I found these awesome FREE printables on Pinterest {duh} and my kids LOVE them!

You print them out, LAMINATE them, and then have fun.

I like them because they help my children learn to be more creative with Playdough rather than rolling it into "snacks" over and over again then tasting it.

For my older one, it gave her something for her brain to work on as well as her hands. My second child is a more physical learner so when we start working on numbers this will encourage her to pick it up quicker. I think I may make my own giant letters to laminate so she can work on learning those quicker as well!

If you don't have a laminator I would highly recommend getting one. I have the cheapest i could find and it works Great for all the things I want to use it for. It's a "Scott" brand and I found it at Wal-Mart. The refill laminating sheets are {relatively} cheap as well.

Do you have any fun things you do with your kids and their Playdough that encourage creativity and/or learning?
Do you have a laminator? If so, any tips or recommendations?

Sorry, my link-up is messed up and I haven't had time to fix it yet but I'd LOVE to have links to your thoughfulness! Add a link in the comment section below. Thanks!!!

More Thoughtful Thursday Post!

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Every 24 Hours…


17, 297 students get suspended from school
7,883 students are reported abused or neglected
4, 248 students get arrested
2,861 students drop out of school
1,329 babies are born to teen moms
367 student are arrested for drug abuse
180 students are arrested for violent crimes
9 students are victims of homicide
5 students commit suicide
1 student dies of HIV infection

*based on calculations per school day (180 days of seven hours each) C Children’s Defense Fund
via Barry St. Clair’s “Jesus focused youth ministry”.


Yes, we know these are horrible stats but what are we going to do about it. We don’t need more programs. We don’t need more punishments. We need more relationships; Relationships that mean something; Relationships that are not manipulative but intentional; Relationships that lead to THE relationship with Christ. Not just to change behavior but to change the belief systems that affect actions. We don’t need a better acting world. We need a world transformed by the love of Christ fleshed out in His followers who trust His guidelines for a healthier, safer, fulfilling life.

What are you doing with your 24 hours?

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“We love snow! We love snow!”

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Those kids are too quiet...what are they in to?"

My hubs and I were finally at home with our entire family! Not traveling. Everyone wake {a rarity with 3 kids different nap schedules}.  Resting {hear the sarcasm?}.

Jamin, our 1-year-old was playing in the playroom and the girls, our 2 and 3-year-old were playing "house" in the kitchen pantry. We could hear them giggling and singing. Singing Loudly! This was the song they were singing:

{well, singing as well as a 2 and 3-year-old can}

Jamin attempted to join the party a few times but was turned away. Guess his name wasn't on the list. The little tikes car however was invited and shoved right inside our walk-in pantry. Giggles and singing continued until we heard Jamin screeching with disappointment for being rejected yet again. Matt headed in there to make sure he hadn't got his fingers smashed by the eager double duo. Not, no fingers smashed!

Matt yelled from across the house in a frantic yet snarky voice, "Julie! Come see this..." To which I of course replied, "...I don't want to..." as I slowly rose from my chair with hesitance to go "see". Matt replied, "Yeah ya do! ...bring your camera!" I literally snorted as I quickly turned around to grab my camera behind me. This was gonna be good. Matt knows I LOVE tracking my kids childhood via photos {who am I kidding...I take pictures of Everything}.

THIS is what I found:

~~~ "We love snow. We love snow!" ~~~

{note the toddler "Vanna White"ing their project/game/discovery/mess}

They were still dancing in it and showing us how they were playing.
Matt and I hadn't really made it clear that this had been a "bad choice", we were too busing trying not to laugh.

Gross! It was head/hair to toe, LITERALLY!

It was at least 1/4 inch thick.

What is that, you ask?

I'm sure you've figured it out by now: Sugar. Substitute sugar to be exact.

An entire canister of off brand Splenda was a good 15 min or more of Awesome summer fun indoors. Pretending it was snow was genius! Light fluffy snow. Joyfully enjoying childhood in a tiny 4x5 pantry with a canister of sugar and your sister. What bliss! Great science experiment! Good sensory lesson! Wish I'd been invited to the party...maybe Next time! I saved the nasty sugar to use again- for play!

I'm thinking in a more controlled environment I would at least be prepared to spend my Entire morning cleaning it up. Their poor sweaty feet made the entire pantry floor sticky, as well as any where they tracked it before we began the quarantine.

The pantry has no quarter round around the baseboard. Guess where the excess sugar remains?

Matt did bath duty while I swept, swept some more, shook things out, swept pantry, swept the kitchen, swept the dinning room, picked everything off the floors and mopped. Although, if you ever find yourself in this exact situation, don't mop right away!

Remember the photo with the dirty specks on the lens? Yeah, the air was filled with a sweet aroma! Matt mentioned his nose burning when I 1st came into the kitchen but he can't smell {for real} so I didn't think much of it.

I closed the door during my 1st round of sweeping to try to keep Jamin out of the fluffy mess. I soon realized that there was a cloud arising from the pile. THIS is what was disturbing Matt's nose. I quickly found myself unconsciously licking my lips like it was some sort of twitch. Each lick was yummy! My face was covered in sugar dust. My nose was so stopped up from the thick cloud I began to sniff and swallow. Again, tasty! Oddly sweet.

This is why I suggest letting that dust settle before giving it a fresh wet surface to plant it's stickiness down upon.

I love my children and their creativity. They are how ever not allowed to enter the pantry again without permission from a parent ;O)

What amazing shenanigans have your kids gotten into? Please Share!!!

"Every time we teach a child something, we keep him from inventing it for himself" -J. Piaget, 1962

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Skin Suit

What do you think of when you hear the word incarnational? This is my husbands new favorite term! {the idea}

Jesus with skin on. That was the 90s term along with other phrases like living for Jesus, what would Jesus do, being Jesus to the lost.

All of those are true. Incarnational is the newest description of the concept of dying to yourself and committing your life to the advancement of the gospel of Christ.

What is your God-given personality? Excluding your sinful habits and temptations your prone to. What are your interests? What makes you laugh, cry, hide, dance? Where did you grow up, go to school? Who did you marry? Where have you chosen to live now?

All of these things God want to use. He has created you a specific way and placed you in a particular way. All "for such a time as this". {Esther 4:14}

The body of Christ needs you to be Jesus with your skin on. How are you doing that?


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