Mel’s Charming Creations {20 Days of Giveaways: Day 5}

Mel's Charming Creations is a unique place you can get adorable antique goodies! She specialized in furniture. My favorites are her dressers and china's hard to decide! I could tell you all about her work but I thought it would be better to SHOW you:

There are tons of services Charming Creations by Melissa Herrington has to offers to patrons near and far:

  • Refinishing your existing furniture using the following techniques: Basic Painting, Glazing, Distressing, Crackling, Dry Brush, and Staining. Depending on furniture piece, refinishing can range from $50-$175. For a price quote, email a picture of existing furniture piece to
  • Email consultations in case you would prefer to take on a project by yourself, need advice, or live too far away to bring your projects to my home. These will always include tips, techniques, paint and glaze recommendations, and as much info and detail as you need.  These email consultations start at $25.
  • Headboard to Bench Projects: If you have an existing headboard that you would like to repurpose into a bench, prices range from $125-$250 and include the paint color of your choice and a refinishing technique of your choice.
  • Room re-models or interior design at low budget costs. If there is a room in your house that needs some updating, feel free to contact me and we can discuss ideas, budgets, and pricing. I also provide in home consultations so let me know if that is something you would like to check into.
  • Replacing or refinishing existing hardware- $20-$50- depending on number of knobs being refinished or replaced. Email me for a price quote.
  • Custom Name Letters (as seen on website)-  $35-40- depending on number of letters used. Additional hangers can be placed on the back of each letter for an additional $3 a set.
  • If you have items that you would like to see re-purposed or re-designed, please contact Melissa and you guys can decide on options and make them something for you to love and admire again.

Because Melissa mainly works on larger pieces, she's only able to offer her masterpieces to those geographically able to pick up the pieces. Until Now! Melissa has an adorable 8x10 wooden framed chalkboard, painted and antiqued WITH a blue chalkboard pen that she is GIVING AWAY to asJulesisgoing readers!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Here's a complete linked up list of the 20 Days of Giveaways! Click around and enter to win them ALL!
{some links will not work until the day that post/giveaway goes live}

{All giveaway are live until midnight Aug 19th when they all close!}

Day 1: Sarah Mae: 31 Days to Clean, How to Market and Sell Your eBook, and Frumps to Pumps
Day 2: Amy Bayliss' Pursuit of Proverbs 31
Day 3
: Jessica Bowman's Raising Wild Things
Day 4
: LeighAnn Dutton's 20 Minute Meals eCookbook
Day 5
: Mel's Charming Creations' Antiqued Framed Chalkboard
Day 6: Little Diva's Bling N Bows $25.oo Gift Certificate
Day 7: Poppy Seed Projects $25.oo Gift Certificate
Day 8: V. Lynn James {local artisan} Owl Canvas Painting
Day 9: Diva's Faith N Frills' 2 Flower Hair Clips
Day 10: DaySpring Christmas in Aug Set
Day 11: Today's a Gift $25.oo Gift Certificate
Day 12: Avon {Personal Rep: Lori McCorvy} Strawberry White Chocolate Bath Set
Day 13: What's in the Bible? DVD Vol 1
Day 14: Union28 $25.oo Gift Certificate
Day 15: InchBug Set of Orbit Labels
Day 16: Radical {the book} by David Platt
Day 17: Thirty-One Gifts {personal consultant Jessica Colley} Large Utility Tote
Day 18: It Works! {personal consultant Danna Magness} $25.oo Gift Certificate

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20 Minute Meals {20 Days of Giveaways: Day 4}

Oh my fruitcake! I know Aaaaalllllll of us need to use our time wisely. 20 minutes is a practical amount of time to alot for preping a meal right? But most days we want to serve our famliies something more than the fish sticks and chicken nuggets hot from the oven. As a busy woman, Leigh Ann, author of 20-minute meals and blogger over at,  understands the need for quick, simple meals without sacrificing quality ingredients. Just so you don't think this is only a stay-at-home mommy dilemma, Leigh Ann says she can remember the days of working 9-5 and coming home to tear open a box of macaroni and cheese for an easy dinner. On a good night, she and her family managed to eat-out in order to have something “home cooked.” Now she is taking away our excuses about not eating healthy and blowing our eat-out budget. She's got the solution!

In this e-Book, you will find everything you need to prepare simple, nutritious meals seven days a week for four straight weeks.

At this point in my life, dinner can be a stressful time. My husband and I are renovating a foreclosure and I’m 6 months pregnant. When dinnertime rolls around, I’m usually not ready. Sometimes this can cause panic attacks or moments where I just sit in the floor and cry my eyeballs out.

Enter, 20 Minute Meals! My life is saved…my family will not starve…we will not be forced to visit McDonald’s every evening. Thank you, LeighAnn! You ROCK MY FACE OFF! This book is a must have for any busy mom. And what mom isn’t busy?

~Stacy from Stacy Makes Cents

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Can't wait? Buy the 20 Minute Meals HERE!

Here's a complete linked up list of the 20 Days of Giveaways! Click around and enter to win them ALL!
{some links will not work until the day that post/giveaway goes live}

{All giveaway are live until midnight Aug 19th when they all close!}

Day 1: Sarah Mae: 31 Days to Clean, How to Market and Sell Your eBook, and Frumps to Pumps
Day 2: Amy Bayliss' Pursuit of Proverbs 31
Day 3
: Jessica Bowman's Raising Wild Things
Day 4
: LeighAnn Dutton's 20 Minute Meals eCookbook
Day 5
: Mel's Charming Creations' Antiqued Framed Chalkboard
Day 6: Little Diva's Bling N Bows $25.oo Gift Certificate
Day 7: Poppy Seed Projects $25.oo Gift Certificate
Day 8: V. Lynn James {local artisan} Owl Canvas Painting
Day 9: Diva's Faith N Frills' 2 Flower Hair Clips
Day 10: DaySpring Christmas in Aug Set
Day 11: Today's a Gift $25.oo Gift Certificate
Day 12: Avon {Personal Rep: Lori McCorvy} Strawberry White Chocolate Bath Set
Day 13: What's in the Bible? DVD Vol 1
Day 14: Union28 $25.oo Gift Certificate
Day 15: InchBug Set of Orbit Labels
Day 16: Radical {the book} by David Platt
Day 17: Thirty-One Gifts {personal consultant Jessica Colley} Large Utility Tote
Day 18: It Works! {personal consultant Danna Magness} $25.oo Gift Certificate

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Parenting Wild Things {20 Days of Giveaways: Day 3}

Want to achieve a respectful relationship with your child that transcends time and rumpus for less than the price of a pizza?

I have to be honest, I haven't read this entire book yet. BUT I am going to try to before these giveaways end! The reason I am proud to offer this awesome book Jessica donated is because I love this girls heart! She consistently blogs at the Bohemian Bowmans and several other contributor sites. She is an honest Christian living transparent for her readers. If you've been here long, you know that that is what I'm ALL about!

What other people are saying:

I adore Parenting Wild Things for the same reasons that I adore Bohemian Bowmans. Jessica has a way with words that simultaneously entertains, teaches, and convicts my heart. Her sage parenting advice is logical and sensible and entirely thought-provoking.  Parenting Wild Things is the stuff of good parenting. It’s the stuff of humanity, of love, and of gentle teaching. It’s the kind of parent I wanted to be before I got angry and tired. It’s about being a positive, productive role model and raising positive, productive human beings. It’s brilliant.

Tara Zeigmont, Feels Like Home

Jessica is an imperfect mother raising imperfect children in an imperfect world. The fact that she knows  this sets her apart from many of the experts who give advice better suited for parents living in an alternate reality where pee always lands on the inside of the toilet and kids spring forth from the womb with impeccable manners. With candor and grace, Jessica reveals some lessons she has learned while raising her Wild things that will surely be helpful to you, too.”

-Matt Cannon, Seeking Pastor

Read more about:

Jessica, the author

what more people are saying about the Book.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Can't Wait? Jessica has hooked up ALL my readers with the discount code "julesrumpus" that can be used on the book through August 10th for a 99 cent discount. 🙂

Download the PDF file for only 4.99!

Or grab the kindle version for 4.14.

And the print version for $8.99.

Want a sneak peak before you snatch this up?

Parenting Wild Things - Free Chapter



You think this blogging thing looks fun but don't know where to start?

Here's a complete linked up list of the 20 Days of Giveaways! Click around and enter to win them ALL!
{some links will not work until the day that post/giveaway goes live}

{All giveaway are live until midnight Aug 19th when they all close!}

Day 1: Sarah Mae: 31 Days to Clean, How to Market and Sell Your eBook, and Frumps to Pumps
Day 2: Amy Bayliss' Pursuit of Proverbs 31
Day 3
: Jessica Bowman's Raising Wild Things
Day 4
: LeighAnn Dutton's 20 Minute Meals eCookbook
Day 5
: Mel's Charming Creations' Antiqued Framed Chalkboard
Day 6: Little Diva's Bling N Bows $25.oo Gift Certificate
Day 7: Poppy Seed Projects $25.oo Gift Certificate
Day 8: V. Lynn James {local artisan} Owl Canvas Painting
Day 9: Diva's Faith N Frills' 2 Flower Hair Clips
Day 10: DaySpring Christmas in Aug Set
Day 11: Today's a Gift $25.oo Gift Certificate
Day 12: Avon {Personal Rep: Lori McCorvy} Strawberry White Chocolate Bath Set
Day 13: What's in the Bible? DVD Vol 1
Day 14: Union28 $25.oo Gift Certificate
Day 15: InchBug Set of Orbit Labels
Day 16: Radical {the book} by David Platt
Day 17: Thirty-One Gifts {personal consultant Jessica Colley} Large Utility Tote
Day 18: It Works! {personal consultant Danna Magness} $25.oo Gift Certificate

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Olympic Snack and Craft {Thoughtful Thursday}

Today is thoughtful Thursday so feel free share ANY thoughtfulness in the comment section or even add a link to your blog's thoughtfulness!

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 Today's Thoughtful Thursday is dedicated to Ms Rebecca from High Maintenance Aspirations. She is my faithful reader, blogging buddy, and a sweet mommy mentor.

Olympic Torch Snack

Ingredients needed

  • simple ice cream cones {ours were wicked old and stail}
  • popcorn {any brand- our was a cheap microwave bag}
  • Extremes {optional}


  1. Pop the popcorn
  2. Cut the Extremes
  3. Load the ice cream cones
  4. Eat {and make a mess}

Olympic Rings Craft

{and some other...stuff}


  • White Card Stock
  • Used/empty toilet paper/paper towel rolls {I cut mine small so my littles could hold them easier}
  • Acrylic paint in Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, Black {we used Purple}
  • Animal Crackers {added at the last minute bc my girls weren't done crafting- Optional}
  • Popsicle sticks {again, added at the last minute bc my girls weren't done crafting- Optional}


  1. Give each child a piece of paper {you can cut in 1/2 if you want}
  2. Squirt each color onto a small paper plate with 1 tp/paper roll assigned to each color
  3. Show your children a picture of the Olympic Rings or do an example yourself
  4. Encourage your children to mimic the example
  5. While you tell them the history of the Rings and what they stand for
  6. Lay flat or hang to dry

If your kids are crafters like mine you may want to add these steps:

  1. Talk about your children's favorite Olympic happenings
    • sports
    • athletes
    • event {just something they've seen while watching the Olympics}
    • team {may not even be the USA}
  2. Gave them paint a picture of what they told you
  3. Glue animal crackers in place {as the "athletes" and write their name/team if you want}
  4. Lay FLAT to dry {so "athletes" don't slide}

"girl(s) swinging on bars"

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Pursuit of Proverbs 31 {20 Days of Giveaways: Day 2} and Review

I am so excited to continue the 20 days of giveaways with Amy Bayliss' Pursuit of Proverbs 31 eBook!Pursuit of Proverbs 31

Amy Bayliss is the author of Pursuit of Proverbs 31, along with a host of other things. I met Amy in after coming on as a contributing writer for the Homemaker's Challenge. Through a random turn of events Amy, the founder and original owner of HC, returned. Amy opened up her wide knowledge of everything blogging to us and I learned a Lot under her. Homemaker's Challenge has a lovely new owner now that is a God-send but He always knows how to work His 'networking' to accomplish His will.

I am so excited to tell you about her awesome book today! Pursuit of Proverbs 31 is not like anything else I've ever read on this chapter of the bible. Girls, you need this book! Guys, your women needs this book! Normally, what you hear about being a "Proverbs 31 Women" is a list of how you should behave, what you should be accomplishing for your family, and as a result how you should be seen by your husband, children, and the community.

This book is nothing like that!

This book is freeing! Like the true character of Christ, this book brings out the freeing truth of what Proverbs 31 is really sayings. It's not a list of do's and don'ts, just like the rest of the bible isn't a list of rules. Amy has done her biblical digging to help women find their true identity in Christ. There are several other reviews of this book found HERE.

Today, Amy has generously given me a copy of Pursuit of Proverbs 31 to giveaway!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Can't wait for the giveaway or need a copy for a gift? That's fine, buy it HERE!
eBook: 145 pages
Publisher: My Southern Media
Language: English
Price: $4.99

Did you miss Day 1 of the 20 Days of Giveaways? That's okay! You can still go back to enter to win HERE for 3 different eBooks by Sarah Mae: 31 Days to Clean, How to Market and Sell Your eBook, and Frumps to Pumps!!!

Here's a complete linked up list of the 20 Days of Giveaways! Click around and enter to win them ALL!
{some links will not work until the day that post/giveaway goes live}

{All giveaway are live until midnight Aug 19th when they all close!}

Day 1: Sarah Mae: 31 Days to Clean, How to Market and Sell Your eBook, and Frumps to Pumps
Day 3: Jessica Bowman's Raising Wild Things
Day 4
: LeighAnn Dutton's 20 Minute Meals eCookbook
Day 5
: Mel's Charming Creations' Antiqued Framed Chalkboard
Day 6: Little Diva's Bling N Bows $25.oo Gift Certificate
Day 7: Poppy Seed Projects $25.oo Gift Certificate
Day 8: V. Lynn James {local artisan} Owl Canvas Painting
Day 9: Diva's Faith N Frills' 2 Flower Hair Clips
Day 10: DaySpring Christmas in Aug Set
Day 11: Today's a Gift $25.oo Gift Certificate
Day 12: Avon {Personal Rep: Lori McCorvy} Strawberry White Chocolate Bath Set
Day 13: What's in the Bible? DVD Vol 1
Day 14: Union28 $25.oo Gift Certificate
Day 15: InchBug Set of Orbit Labels
Day 16: Radical {the book} by David Platt
Day 17: Thirty-One Gifts {personal consultant Jessica Colley} Large Utility Tote
Day 18: It Works! {personal consultant Danna Magness} $25.oo Gift Certificate

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