Delievery Goodies

The other day I told you I'd just ordered 151 FREE prints from Shutterfly.
Well, guess what showed up in the mail today!?!
{FYI: there are still more deals going on@ Shutterfly!}

 I spent a couple hours up dating ALL of our picture frames in the house. If you've never been to my home, you should know that Every room has picture frames in it! I LOVE pictures. I haven't printed pictures in quite a while though. Surprisingly , I still didn't have enough frames. Many of the pictures left unframed where of my children playing so I've decided I'm going to make some collages and laminate them. I think my girls will enjoy making frames for them to hang in their playroom.

Here's a quick tour of some of the new pics I added/switched out/updated around our home:

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Sneek Peeq

Those of you who know me or have been reading for awhile know that I am always on the look out for fun new places to get inexpensive cuteness.
I do NOT like to spend a lot of money on...well anything, clothes, home decor, food, etc. I found another one!!!

I was a little leary of these kind of sites. I don't like getting tons of junk in my inbox just for signing up to find deals. I recently cancelled my subscription to Groupon because I didn't agree with some of the 'adult' products they had deals for. That made me hesitant to sign up for any new 'deal' sites so last night I tried it. I began clicking around learning what everything was and checking out their deals. I learned you earn 'badges' for just signing up and peeqing at prices. Just by clicking around I'd earned like 7 badges. I was imediately in love with the site. I thought there were tons of gimmicks UNTIL I eventually came across this cuteness:

I immediately thought of a friend. She would LOVE this!!! I clicked 'peeq' to find my price. It was FREE because of one of the badges I'd earned. Sweet! I then clicked buy just to see how terrible shipping out be. It was $1.oo! WHAT!?! Falling deeper in love ;o) THEN it offered me 1 hour of FREE shipping if I told my friends about it. I Hate spamming my friends. I thought about it for a while and decided to try it to see how it wanted me to annoyed my friends. It sent a Facebook request thingy. {Sorry if you were one of the lucky ones spammed by me last night!} That was easy enough and I sent this adorable bracelet to my friend who needed some cheer yesterday for FREE! Expected to arrive on the 27th. Not to shabby, eh?

Bohemian Fantasy {sale ends in 4 days}

The only downers are: you get emails for every badge you earn, you can't choose which badges you use one what, and after peeqing at some items it changes to "only available to FB fans".

Check it out! I loved it so much I'm an affiliate now. Click on any of the links in this post or on my side bar to find some cuteness of your own for great deals! Feel free to FB spam me to get some more badges.

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Jules is an Amazima Mamma

During my family transformation from youth pastors to church planters, Katie Davis and her book Kisses from Katie played a large part.

As God was moving in Matt's life, this was one of the MANY books he read. As he read it at night and told me about specific stories in the book that were extra meaningful to him I just Knew God was moving us over seas! You see, I "surrendered to foreign missions" almost a year before I met Matt. I told him this when we stared dating but explained I wasn't sure what that would look like in my life. I just knew that I wanted to surrender to any possible thing God would ask me to do. I thought this story of a single girl making such an impact was going to be the catalyst to shoot my family overseas.{ Little did I knew we would be going on a similar adventure right here in the States in this current season of life.}

God did use Katie's story to soften my husband heart in the realm of overseas ministry and in giving! Matt gave up Diet Coke over a year ago! For those of you who don't know my husband, That Is HUGE! He's an addict! {I'll have to ask him to do a guest post about his addiction and God being his enabler} With some of the money we saved, he chose to sponsor an Amazima child! Longoli Moses has become a fairly regular friend to pray for, especially at meal times when we talk about why we sponsor Longoli. My oldest likes to remember to pray for Longoli's younger brother and that he will become a pilot when he grows up.

Another way we've tried to teach our children about why we are loving on Longoli this way is by teaching what we are able to bless Longoli with: a meal! The meal we're provide is very basic and reminds us how beyond blessed we are here. Every once in a while we choose to "eat like Longoli" with a meal of rice and beans.

Here's an update video from Katie's blog:


Won't you consider becoming an Amazima Mamma {or daddy}!?!

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Does your bagless vacuum suck? {Thoughtful Thursday}

Today is thoughtful Thursday so feel free to share ANY thoughtfulness!

Have a fun recipe? A tool you love? Please share by commenting with a link to your post about your thoughtfulness! Then post the “Thoughtful Thursday” button to your post so other ladies can get lots of thoughtful helps! I know I've been sharing a lot of recipes lately but ANYthing thoughtful is welcome! Consider visiting the link above yours and encouraging them through comments!

Edited Re-post Pictorial:

For the original post go to 30min vs 2+ hours.

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Who wants to print CHEAP Pictures?

I just took advantage of Shutterfly's recent deal: 101 free prints! I also got! My prints are in transit now but they just sent me another deal via email: an extra 20% off! I don't need this right now so I thought I'd share the code with YOU! Hope it works for you! Let me know if it did and what you got to make.

Enter promo code @ checkout:

an extra 20% off: expires 7/31. Code: M9VK-89XU-7PYR-NCGV2B

There are TONS of other great deals on their site as well! Check it out: like:

 Sizzling Summer Sale: 20% off mugs, coasters, t-shirts, acrylic prints. 50% off ornaments. Ends 7/11.

20% OFF address labels at Ends 7/11.

{note: I am now an affiliate for Shutterfly {woooT!}
so this post does contain affiliate links}

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