Settling In September Post Series

This is the tentative editorial calendar for the Settled In September month long series.

Settled In September Series{links will go live on the day each post is published}


1st          Intro to the series
before pics

Week 1: Living room

2rd           collage wall
3th           homemade mantel
4th          big Betsy
5th           big Betsy/end tables/coffee table
6th          organization

Week 2: Eating spaces

Dining room
9th           Layout, art display frame & picture walls

10th        Organizing Cabinets
11th        Organizing the Pantry & Shelf Tutorial
12th        Organizing Fridge
13th        Mantel {and other décor} {DELAYED bc we haven't finished hanging it 😉 }

Week 3: Laundry room & School Room

16th        Moving and organizing shelves
17th        Basket shelves
18th        Cleaning tool hanger and Mudroom/bench {DELAYED bc of craziness}
School Room
19th        School Corner and Supply Organization {possibly a day late bc of travel}
20th        Toys and Organization

Week 4: Bedrooms

Jamin’s {and soon to be Ellie's} room
23rd        Dresser/changing table/Shelving {both sets}/Cityscape/brick wall

Girls’ room
24th        Glitter walls/Castle/shelves/letters

Guest room/Office
25th       bed makeover/consignment organization/desk/office stuff

Master bedroom
26th        Stripes/quote/lamps/pictures/Painted furniture

27th        cabinets, tub toys, in shower, towels

Week 5: Garage sale/Consigning

30th       FREE Printables from the entire month!

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